First time with Freestyle Libre2

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mark king

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
After using Libre 1 sensors for some 3 years I have changed over to the Libre 2 version.
I can see there have been some negative comments about its operation,
Here is what I found out on my first day application.
1. kept getting error saying "not reading wait 10 mins and try again", this went on randomly for about 1 hour from start up.
2. the alarm settings worked if a little randomly at first due to the 10 min fail to read errors.
3. I rang the Freesyle help desk and had it explained to me that certain sensors took longer to settle down than the 1 hour before use as stated in the set up spec. He stressed that it could take 4-6 hours before it went stable.
4. if mine still failed after this time they would replace it, mine has now stabilised within the extended time frame.
4. I asked if they new which ones were failing and all he could add was the serial number started with 3MH00****** but not all sensors starting so were faulty.
5. Policy now is to wait the extended time frame and they will replace if it still fails after this time.

Not the most effective roll out but they do appear to work well once they have gone stable and as I suffer drop by 6 over night I can now get closer to my BG range with the back up of the alarm system if I should drop. That makes for better control for me.

I may add my next sensor 1 day before I need a new one to see if that allows things to settle down before I require it.
Initially I wont be activating it until the existing one has run out.

I'll report back on how effective that is.
I try to insert mine at least 2 days before activating as I found the first couple of days are much less accurate in their readings as my body gets used to the alien object in my arm.
For me, Libre 2 takes longer to settle down than Libre 1 which is why I extended the "bedding in time".
Doing this, I have never experienced any of the "10 minute failed to read errors"
Hello @helli I had noticed your comment about that but it raised a question for me.
My intention is to attach the sensor but not activate it until i require it, so it is good to see that is the way you do it?

PS: The rep on the help forum from Libre said the later manufactured ones were more stable so I was only going to do this for any sensors starting with 3MH00 but you seem to require it for all.
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Hello @helli I had noticed your comment about that but it raised a question for me.
My intention is to attach the sensor but not activate it until i require it, so it is good to see that is the way you do it?

That is exactly what I do. The advantage of having two arms is that I can have an active sensor in one arm and another one bedding in in the other arm for a couple of days.

(There may be one or two other advantages in having two arms comes to think of it 🙄 )
There may be one or two other advantages in having two arms comes to think of it 🙄 )
Certainly if you are climbing!! But then I am sure there will be some dedicated and somewhat daredevil/hair raising climbers who just have one arm out there. It always amazes me how people can overcome disabilities.

Thankfully my body seems to be quite at ease having small plastic filaments implanted in it because my Libre 1s are pretty accurate from the off with just the 60 min countdown. Will be interesting to see how I respond to the Libre 2 although I am in no hurry to swap over. Good to read about these tips in advance though, to be prepared.
Certainly if you are climbing!! But then I am sure there will be some dedicated and somewhat daredevil/hair raising climbers who just have one arm out there. It always amazes me how people can overcome disabilities.
There are some amazing videos of para-climbers.
I am most in awe when watching the blind climbers ... not seen any one-armed blind climbers but, hey, why not?
I've found I have had more sensor failures with the 2. So far each sensor I've used since changing to the 2 has failed in some way, adhesive failure, failure to read, etc. To give Abbott credit, they have replaced them all no questions asked. When the sensors are working they're definitely more accurate than the original Libre. I wore a 1 and 2 for a fortnight just to see the difference, also conducting fingerprick tests with my Contour Next One which is my back up meter. The Libre 2 was always within 0.4mmol/L of the Contour reading.

In my opening post I quoted what the Freestyle help desk person has said about any failing sensors, which was the Serial number started with 3MH00****** .
I collected my supply of 4 x FS 2 sensors and all started with the sequence 3MH00****** so I will just start them all 1 day before the working one runs out to give the new one time to bed in. I will only activate it once the one I am wearing has run its 14 days.
Others have found the need to follow this procedure so until I get some sensors that are not labelled similarly I will do the same.
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