First time ever...Think I've mixed up my Insulin?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I am so worried, I am waiting for a call back from NHS Direct!...I have had a really stressful couple of days, now I think I have mixed up my Levimer with my Novorapid!!...I always keep the pens in sepperate places. Novo on the dinning table in it's case, Levimer in a box on the side...Thing is, when I went to take my Novo with dinner, it was in it's case...and the Levimer was with my blood testing kit on the table???...Don't quite undertsnad what's happened, can only think that I did'nt put the Levimer back in the box last night, so confused! :confused:

I am guessing that I may have now taken the Levimer with my breakfast and pre dinner are usually around 7.6/ 8.5 (I know, not good, still working with that) This reading, pre dinner, they were at a 10. Higher than the norm for me...I have no symptoms, I feel ok, apart from stressed! I am just wondering what I should do now for my evening Levimer...I usually take 30 units around 10pm.

Is ther any advice anyone can offer please?....I guess I will just get a nurse call me back from NHS Direct...she may not know much about Insulin, if my hospital stays are anything to go by!!...I thought I probably would get better advice worried now.

Believe it or not, my blood readings have actually been better for me of late, I just feel this will mess it all up again...I still have a way to go, I'm just trying my best...When I discovered the mix up I really lost my temper big time, so stressed, I slammed about and have hurt my hand!

NHS Just phoned me back whilst writing this...she said she ca't advise me and I have to ring the Emergency Dr?....Just going off to do that...speak soon, Ellowyne x
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I can't offer any advice except keep the hypo cures (you know the ones) nearby and warn someone you trust just in case you do hypo.

Wishing you get away with it and your hand feels better soon Ellowyne....
I wouldnt take anymore levemir for tonight. Check yourself at midnight and if you are high (over 14 or so) then give a correction. Do you know how much 1 unit brings you down? Then I would check again at 3am as this is the time you will drop if you are going to, and repeat the above if you are high or have some glucose if your low - but be very careful giving corrections. To do the correction you need to use the novorapid not the levemir. I hope the hospital can give you advice - but dont panic - you will be fine.🙂Bev

p.s. How many units have you given yourself throughout the day?
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Hi all, thank you for your kind replies!

I have spoken to a Dr, he said to take the remainder of Levimer Units I would have left minus the mistake...Told to check bloods regular and phone DSN in the morning....Still abit worried, but feel ok 🙂

Will check back in tommorow...thank you for support!

Ellowyne x
Hope everythign goes ok Ellowyn...

I would set my alarm for 3am and do a quick test just to be sure everything is ok- Im sure it will be hon xx
I hope everything is OK. Please let us know how you get on.
Hi Ellowyne
Hope you got some sleep last night? Just be easy on yourself for next couple of days - blood sugars may run a bit high, but better that than multiple hypos. As Levemir and Novorapid are both clear, can you make the pens look more different, as well as (usually!) leaving them in different places? We're human, after all. I'm lucky that Humalin I is cloudy, while Humalog is clear, plus I use different pens for each type, but occasionally forget where I've put a pen, particularly if I use my "away" Humalog at home, because kitchen is so crowded I can't get to cupboard where I keep "home" Humalog.
Thank you for all the support and caring! 🙂

I am ok this morning, blood reading just a tad higher, but not by much!...I guess I will have to give myself a couple of days to be back on track.

I still run high anyway, fasting levels are still in 8's and 9's!....Just don't seem to be making much progress :( Still better than the 12's I was getting!

Thanks again to all, love Ellowyne x
Glad you are ok hon! We all make these odd mistakes sometimes so I hope you dont give yourself a hard time. I remember when I was on injections doing one injection a couple of times because I forgot I had done it- silly - but when you do so much diabetes stuff every day its easy to make errors!

Glad you are alright 🙂
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