First steps...

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've started on the process of getting a pump finally. Had my favourite consultant at clinic today and quite calmly asked if a Pump would suit me, her response was yes, it would. Got to have a week of CGM soon then another appointment with consultant where we will hopefully apply for funding.

HbA1C has reduced drastically since my Carb counting course in October when it was 10.2% now it is 9.7% which is itself down from 9.9% three weeks ago when I got admitted to hospital with severe Gastro enteritis, not very pleasant.

How long does it take from this point for a pump to be fully approved?
Mine took about a year from my DSN first mentioning it to me getting my pump. It might have been a month or so less, I can't really remember.

I wish you well and hope you get your pump soon 🙂 mine has changed my life.
Took about 4 months for me after completion of carb counting course.....good luck....definitely worth the wait! 🙂
Asked if I wanted one last February, should have got it in April but DSN had to cover for someone at the main hopsital in Coventry so it was May instead.

If they are used to dealing with whoever your PCT happens to be, then it's just a matter of exchanging paperwork and the hosp will know how long it will take (give or take LOL)

If they aren't used to your PCT then obviously it might take a little longer whilst they sort out who they have to send it to, etc.

But it should only be a formality, once your Consultant has said 'This person would benefit from a pump and I recommend they have one'.

Then of course, the hospital have to actually get the pump!
From filling in the application, it took about 1 month. From when we first mentioned it, it was about 3 months because there were a few things I wanted to try first
Saw my DSN at work today and told her, she was happy for me.

I have to do the CGM before the application stage, hopefully before my next clinic appointment in 2 months time.

Been looking at the four main manufacturers of pumps this afternoon, I know that my PCT definitely uses the Medtronic pumps, not sure on the others at the moment, will ask when I get a chance.

Getting all excited now 😉
Took me less than a year to get & that was a few years ago. Keep at em Good luck !
How long really totally depends how your clinic work.

Your PCT can't denial you funding if your consultant says you need a pump then by law they have to provide the funding.

So your application for funding won't be denied, might be slow going through the system as the PCT implement stalling tactics, which is again pretty much against the law but the PCT number cruncher will still try..

I had to battle for 3 years to get my pump, but I've had it now for 4 years, it was a lot harder to get a pump, as the guidelines were slightly different to the revised ones used now.
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