First set of readings, self testing


Much missed Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I only starting properly last night, however I have a couple of practice goes before that.
Monday night (at the Diabetic Support Group): 6.6
Tuesday afternoon, two hours after eating: 6.5
Tuesday tea, pre eathing: 6.4
Tuesday tea, post eathing, 2 hr: 6.8 (? not much difference)
Tuesday bedtime reading: 6.1

Rising reading: 6.1
Post breadfast, 1hr: 11.3
Post breakfast, 2 hr: 8.1
Hi Ralph, looks like you might have to re-think what you are having for breakfast - what did you have? All your other numbers look pretty steady so far - after a while you will be able to see where things are consistently OK and where you might need to investigate further :)
Multigrain hoops. I've been having them all the time. They were in the food diarys I showed nurse last year and dietician. They're the cheapest thing I have. Just as well I did the hour chech.
I've got some porridge and mini shredded wheat (Aldi) to try.
Investigating is the idea. :)
Oh, I did wonder about a couple of days without breakfast, just to see what my bg does.
Oh, I did wonder about a couple of days without breakfast, just to see what my bg does.
I'd suggest trying a no-carb breakfast to see what happens with that - something like scrambled eggs and tomatoes or similar :) My dietician also told me that Weetabix were fine so I was eating them until I started testing at one and two hours :eek: They've been off the menu ever since! :)
Weetabix was mentioned to me too... and porridge, and mini shreddies. So I tried them and tested afterwards.
None were very good (large spike about 1 hour after) but Shredded Wheat (the big ones with no added sugar) seem ok for me at the moment.
I don't have time to cook a whole breakfast (eggs, bacon, mushrooms etc) in the morning on weekdays, but I do have that at weekends and after that my levels remain fairly consistent.
Cereals are a no go area for me, & I loves my cereals.:( This morning l had scrambled egg on a slice of ham & cheese. Very simple & lovely.:)
Cereals are bad for me too..... I typically have a late breakfast, usually deli meat & perhaps cheese.
Im lucky porridge and shredded wheat dont spike me too much, so I tend to stick to them for breakfast.
Lunch: half tin on tuna in spring water, two slices oh wholemeal bread (Morrisons), two salad tomatoes.
Pre: 6.2
1 hr post: 9.9
2 hr post: 6.1!?
That's a bit quick. No wonder I'm always ready for more! {*looks in cupboard*} Seriously.
Surprisingly, that will be the bread. Wholemeal is not much better than white when it comes to carbs. The best breads I have found are Burgen, Nimble, Hovis Sunflower & Pumpkin Seeds & Lidl's High Protein rolls. Still amazed it spiked in just one hour.:eek:
That would be why bread is not part of my diet (perhaps special treats where my diet has already been shot)..... However I will be experimenting making bread made from alternate flours & sprouted wheat flour
Ok, yesterday was a bit different. I was up earlier than normal. And off to the city.
Rising: 5.6 (7:30. I know there's plenty of people doing earlier than this all the time. I used to)
Shower. Then 6.2. Mini shredded wheat (Aldi)
1hr post. 10.3. 2hr 6.7
12:40pm. 5.00
Roast beef dinner, inc 3 chips & 3 roast potates.
1 hr post: 5.7. 2 hr 5.9
Ok, even though I had a high reading, I went for a second go to see what I'd get today. So, mini shredded wheat again.
Pre: 5.9
1 hr post: 11.7
Good figures with the roast dinner.:) Looks like cereals are still an issue though.
This is what Alan Shanley tells us in his 'Test Review Adjust' advice - vary the times of testing for any different food, to discover the highest spike cos it isn't the timing of the spike that matters - it's how much of a spike it actually produces. I rather think a 100% increase at any time is a big No No though!
I have Oatibix for breakfast as I believe they are a bit slower release than wheatabix.
We are all different and unfortunately it seems that we have to test and keep a food diary until we find what suits and what does not. I have a boiled or poached egg quite often and sometimes scrambled. Mushrooms seem good too and I have them on a slice of livlife bread which is just under 4 carbs. Well done on the roast dinner. Good luck with it all :)
Thanks for all the replies.
Another alternative is to change what you have with your Multigrain hoops. Perhaps reduce portion of hoops, and have plain yogurt instead of milk. Supermarket budget own brand plain yogurt costs around 55p for a 500g pot, which does me for about a week of cereal breakfasts.