First set change on my own

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
When OH took Susie out today I did the complete set change all by myself for the first time - as I am completely impractical I was a very happy bunny and don't think I did anything wrong🙂
Well done! They will get quicker in time :D

In your shoes I'd have lunch or some other sort of snack requiring a bolus to push a decent amount of insulin through the cannula. And then check in an hour or two to make sure all seems to be going well 🙂
Thanks Mike and for the suggestion. I did the set change four hours ago and have just checked BG and it is 7.0🙂
Well done ! It does get easier once you have done a couple of times 😉
It is scary the first few times but you do get used to it. Well done
hee hee, have I told you about a lady called Hilary, Medical Researcher at Warwick Uni Medical School, now retired. T1 Diabetic since forever. ?

When I got my pump she was thrilled for me, cos she's had hers for about 3 years and loves it to pieces. She asked me how long my first set change took. I said (truthfully) about 25 minutes all in all Hils. She laughed like a drain and said Mine took me 2 hours .......
Two hours!!!! That sounds scary
Well I think the hospital had put her first one in Amanda, whereas at my hospital the DSN showed us how to do it, then deliberately left the room.

And we all went Oooh! when the bonkers went 'bonk' (those of us using the 90 degree ones) when she came back in killing herself laughing!

I think Hilary said she had to read all the instructions 54 times or something, sitting in her bedroom, until she plucked up courage to do the deed !
That's awful Trophywench, nobody should be expected to teach themselves. We were guided through our first set and the lovely nurse then invited us to do a set change with her there to help us two days later. I got the impression that if we were still having problems that we could go back again for the next set change. I feel very sorry for Hilary.
Oh she'd most likely been shown Amanda, think it's more she likes to be thorough! LOL

See, Medical Research has to be done carefully and with thought .....

I shouldn't think she's ever tried to build an MFI /Ikea piece of furniture in her life ! Probably takes her a fortnight to do a jigsaw and I bet she still knows all the rules of Monopoly etc.

I mean I'm all for reading the destructions on things (unlike most men) instead of winging it, BUT !!
Well done 🙂 That's great news!

I think my first set change took me about an hour and I was crying the whole time! 😱 Thank goodness it gets easier!
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