First review after being diagnosed

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Got a reading of 53 mol in August. Have lost 25 pounds and just seen my results on NHS app. New reading is 45 mol. I know that’s not good enough but is a move in right direction. Do you think good enough to keep me off medication? Thank you.
Hi and many congratulations on what is a very good HbA1c reduction and fabulous weight loss.

If you are not already on medication then I see no reason why they should start you on it now, when you have made good progress and your levels are after all below the diagnostic threshold.
Do you feel that there is room for further dietary improvement or activity increase or are you finding it hard to maintain your current level? This time of year is hardest in lots of respects, because the days are shorter and the weather poorer and our metabolism wants to slow down and of course lots of tempting food and drink, all making it a bit more difficult.
If you are finding it difficult to maintain the lifestyle changes you have made and feel that you would like like some additional support in the form of medication then you could ask about that, or you could try an extra push with the Newcastle/fast 800 in the new year to see if further rapid weight loss will push your diabetes into full remission. It really should be something that you can discuss with your health care professionals and come to a mutual decision about. There is no shame in taking medication to help out if you need to. No one can say that you didn't try really hard without it first.

From a Type 1 perspective I would be absolutely delighted with an HbA1c of 45 and so would my consultant and in fact my consultant feels that I need to loosen my control a bit and let in increase and that low 50s would be better because I have too many hypos. Obviously you don't have that problem, but an HbA1c is an HbA1c so to me, if 53 is OK for me (I appreciate that target balances risk or hypos against risk of complications from higher levels) then I don't understand why it shouldn't be OK for a Type 2, although obviously a bit lower would be better. So in that respect., 45 is a great result and you should be very happy with it!
Got a reading of 53 mol in August. Have lost 25 pounds and just seen my results on NHS app. New reading is 45 mol. I know that’s not good enough but is a move in right direction. Do you think good enough to keep me off medication? Thank you.
Congratulations on the weight loss and the reduction in your HbA1c well done all your hard work is paying off!!
I was diagnosed in May and have managed without medication so far, my next review is 13th December and I'm hopeful that the work I've put in - diet and exercise will keep the diabetes at bay! 🙂
Wow fantastic result well done.
Brilliant result, no need for meds in my opinion but just keep doing what you are doing and you will knock another couple of mmol/mols off in a few months time.
Thank you. Not on any meds and I think still lots of room for improvement and haven’t found it too difficult to be honest. Biggest obstacle was travelling abroad four times after first result and before latest one, I know that’s a nice problem to have. Am in Portugal now visiting my brother. Hit my record active hours on my Apple watch yesterday so very happy. I still have 3 stone to lose and trying slow and steady so it’s maintainable. Found this site to be very helpful so thank you for all the support.
Yes! It IS good enough, perfect in fact, in my opinion. Keep going, it takes time. Its not good to crash your HbA1C too quickly. You are now in the borderline pre-diabetes zone 🙂
Congratulations on your progress so far @Portugal1000

I’ve merged your threads to keep your replies together. Thankfully the glitch with the forum has been fixed now.
Got a reading of 53 mol in August. Have lost 25 pounds and just seen my results on NHS app. New reading is 45 mol. I know that’s not good enough but is a move in right direction. Do you think good enough to keep me off medication? Thank you.
Congratulations....... My first Hba1C was 75, and wasn't put on any meds. Like you, I went away and lost a load of weight - and it's now down to 43, so just about pre-diabetic level..... Still working on the carb count and managing weight ... Keep up the good work, and hopefully you'll not need any meds...... Well done again.... this is a great forum for encouragement.
Congratulations! You should be very proud of yourself. Sounds like you are in the process of reversing your Type 2 diabetes-- losing the excess visceral fat and curing the insulin resistance. And it sounds like you're doing it the right way-- building new, healthy habits around eating and exercise. Keep going, and all the best!
Thank you.
I still have a way to go to completely stop the uncontrollable days but the difference now is that if I am bad with food one day I have been able to get back on track the next day. In the past it could go on for a week. It’s going to be challenging at Christmas I fear.
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