First Retinopathy Screening

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Seven months from diagnosis I had my first screening yesterday. I was surprised how hassle free it was and even the drops didn't sting and my vision wasn't that bad after. I did resort to wearing sunglasses though which was amusing as we were in the middle of a really bad thunderstorm at the time! I also had a really bad headache and slept for 3 hours when I got in.

What I didn't like was being told the results take 6-8 weeks and sometimes longer :( AND I won't be called for another screening for another 18 months. More cut backs I suppose :(
Seven months from diagnosis I had my first screening yesterday. I was surprised how hassle free it was and even the drops didn't sting and my vision wasn't that bad after. I did resort to wearing sunglasses though which was amusing as we were in the middle of a really bad thunderstorm at the time! I also had a really bad headache and slept for 3 hours when I got in.

What I didn't like was being told the results take 6-8 weeks and sometimes longer :( AND I won't be called for another screening for another 18 months. More cut backs I suppose :(

That's a long time to wait for results. What concerns me more though is that you are having to wait 18 months for the next one - the recommendation is an ANNUAL check. NICE guidelines are:

2.2.1 Screening for diabetic retinopathy
? Examine the eyes of people with type 2 diabetes at the time of diagnosis and at least
annually thereafter (including those registered blind and partially sighted).?D
INHERITED Clinical Guideline E 3
2. Guidance
? Perform an appropriate and acceptable retinopathy screening test.?D
? Use tests that have been demonstrated to achieve: sensitivity of 80% or higher;
specificity of 95% or higher; and technical failure rate of 5% or lower.?C
? Retinal photography, which is currently the most practical method, when
conducted and evaluated by trained personnel, ?C or slit-lamp indirect
ophthalmoscopy, which is effective in trained hands. ?C
? Use tropicamide (to achieve mydriasis) unless contraindicated.?C
? Opportunistic screening is not an adequate substitute for participation in a formal
screening programme. It is an option only if formal screening is not possible.?D
2.2.2 Routine care
? Review annually if:
? no retinopathy present?D
? minimal or mild background retinopathya/low-risk background retinopathy.?

I think you should write to your PCT and ask why they are not following the NICE guidelines.
That's a long time to wait for results. What concerns me more though is that you are having to wait 18 months for the next one - the recommendation is an ANNUAL check. NICE guidelines are:

I think you should write to your PCT and ask why they are not following the NICE guidelines.

I will be keeping an eye (no pun intended) on this. My friend who attends the same hospital said that her annual appointment was two months overdue taking her to 14 months. She may have had that appointment only because she phoned up to chase it. I will be doing the same if I don't hear from them in 12 months. She did have her results in 2 weeks which is what I was expecting.. so will wait and see what happens with me.
I will be keeping an eye (no pun intended) on this. My friend who attends the same hospital said that her annual appointment was two months overdue taking her to 14 months. She may have had that appointment only because she phoned up to chase it. I will be doing the same if I don't hear from them in 12 months. She did have her results in 2 weeks which is what I was expecting.. so will wait and see what happens with me.

My first 'annual' diabetic check was like that - diagnosed May 2008, saw consultant July 2008, appt.made for July 2009 then changed to October 2009! I went to my GP in July 2009 and requested all the test from her so that I had still had my check within 12 months. My appt. this year is October, but I've already had one letter moving it to later in the month. Eventually, I expect to be having my annual checks once every three years or so! 😱 🙄
Wow like has been said thats a very long time, i know i was told 4 weeks and so were others but the results came within a fortnight.Definetly agree with Northerner get writing to your Primary Care Trust as 18 months is just not on x
I had my 1st one the other week and although they said i would get the results within 4 weeks via letter, i got them 4 days later (normal result) and she said that it will be an annual screening but that i still have to keep up my annual opticians appointments (next one due in October).
I had my first appointment within weeks of my diagnosis, as did my Dad, and I had a appointment a year later. I must be spoiled by my district NHS even if I do have constant battles with my GP's.

Does anybody know at what age they start screening children? My daughters eyes haven't been looked at yet, but I don't know if it will be in her children's clinic, in the special clinic they have for us adults or if she won't be tested until she's older!
I had my first appointment within weeks of my diagnosis, as did my Dad, and I had a appointment a year later. I must be spoiled by my district NHS even if I do have constant battles with my GP's.

Does anybody know at what age they start screening children? My daughters eyes haven't been looked at yet, but I don't know if it will be in her children's clinic, in the special clinic they have for us adults or if she won't be tested until she's older!

I don't think they start testing children until they are over 12 - parents, correct me if I'm wrong!
I had my first retinopathy screening on Wednesday. They didn't use the drops so that was one less thing to worry about 🙂
Seven months from diagnosis I had my first screening yesterday. I was surprised how hassle free it was and even the drops didn't sting and my vision wasn't that bad after. I did resort to wearing sunglasses though which was amusing as we were in the middle of a really bad thunderstorm at the time! I also had a really bad headache and slept for 3 hours when I got in.

What I didn't like was being told the results take 6-8 weeks and sometimes longer :( AND I won't be called for another screening for another 18 months. More cut backs I suppose :(

Hi lyndasw, i too had my first retinal screening, on monday. I was told i would have to wait 4 weeks for the results, but they turned up in a letter on thursday. I couldn't believe it only took three days, now i am worrying myself that the results were not checked properly and are wrong.
Hi lyndasw, i too had my first retinal screening, on monday. I was told i would have to wait 4 weeks for the results, but they turned up in a letter on thursday. I couldn't believe it only took three days, now i am worrying myself that the results were not checked properly and are wrong.

Goodness that was quick! I'm sure they must check results properly. I think they must just be covering themselves when they say X amount of weeks for results, just in case they experience delays, staff off sick etc.

Why do some people not have to have drops?? :confused:
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