First proper illness with Poppy

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all...

Have got the dreaded man flu, had it between xmas and new years but didn't really have it bad enough to affect levels, this time is about 4times worse...ick!!!!

Am within range until I eat when it have been 7's and then into 14's when I eat, which feels extremely high for me now I am pumping. Anyway when I hit 14 I have been changing my TBR by upping it to 120% for one hour and it brings it back down....fab huh?!!?!??! Gonna check for ketones in a mo tho me thinks!!!
Hope you are feeling better soon.

The temp basal was such a help for us when my son was unwell a few weeks ago. I hope you and poppy get throught this together ok. 🙂
Hope you feel better very soon! Alex is on 200% basal as he has a sore throat and is off school - his levels are still too high!😱🙂Bev
thanks Mand, awww poor Alex, wow 200%, I was scared to go up by 20% hope he feels better soon, am feeling so so awful but am still working, am working from home! x
We were upto 200% too. It does seem a lot, I know, but it can be necessary. The first time he was ill, we were too nervous to go above 120%/130% but he remained so high and ended up with ketones. Now we are braver. The answer is to test lots so that you can keep up with your insulin needs. The second time he was ill a 120% basal was enough. Each illness seems to affect differently. 🙂
Mand - i was scared of doing 110% at first! Then someone explained that 10% of a tiny amount of basal like 0.200 was actually so tiny not to be noticed! You start to get a feeling of how much extra to add dont you? I have sent A to school today as he doesnt like missing anything - but thought as its cold and he will be walking etc he is on 130% - he knows how to increase/decrease if necessary. I have had him on 230% once when he had a cold - not that ill but his levels went through the roof.😱🙂Bev
Yes Bev. You are right, you do get a sort of feel for things with practice/experience. I think that temp basals are the bees knees for illness!

Hope A got on ok at school today. Bless him. x
I am def finding this an 'experience' grrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!

Bloods have been doubling with each meal so cleverly adjusted my TBR before I ate my lunch but still doubled up to 15 arghhhh!!!! So annoyed, and cruising along at 130% annoying, trying to work and my motivation and concentration is pants.

Hope A is feeling better today xxx
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