First post pump HbA1C...

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Wow Tom, isn't that the first one you've had below 8? Well done, especially in view of all the upheaval and turmoil since you started on the pump! 🙂
tom your a bloody star mate well done you have had alot on your plate the last 5 weeks or so thats a real good set of numbers

First one in at least four years (pathology records only go back four years) and yeah, given all that's happened it's a bloody miracle. The old bugger, wherever he is, is probably proud and would by now have made some crack about me becoming one of the borgs!

woopy woop xxx🙂 well done kurt and tom x
Fantastic Tom, well done and congratulations.
Well done tom that's brilliant :D keep up the hard work x
Brilliant news Tom... :D
How am I celebrating you might ask? I am wrapped up in bed and shirking a night out... Damn resits tomorrow! I have wonderful folk on MSN so all is well. I also have some chocolate hiding somewhere...

Well Done Tom, great result after such a short space of time. Just think where they'll be once you've fine tuned everything with your pump. You are an inspiration to us all.
Well done, im not aware of your previous hba1c when u werent on the pump but seems like it is working for you 🙂 x
Fantastic news. Most of the threads i've looked at tonight have been a little more troubling, so great to see some good positive stuff.🙂
Excellent news Tom - especially after recent events. I bet next time you will be in the 6% club!🙂Bev
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