First post-pump A1c

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Staff member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Went for a brief chat med review at GPs today and was not surprised that it had risen slightly given the levels during my 'settling in' period on the pump.

51mmol/mol (6.8%)
Went for a brief chat med review at GPs today and was not surprised that it had risen slightly given the levels during my 'settling in' period on the pump.

51mmol/mol (6.8%)

That's a great number as your first A1c as a pumper 🙂 I bet you get it lower for your next one.....have you had less hypos as well?
I've lost quite a few I think (though would still like to lose more!). The last time I looked the biggest change was the number or readings below 3 which has dropped to almost nothing. I'm also seeing fewer higher highs too :D

Onward and downward!
well done you!!

And you know by your next one, you will have brought it down. Great to hear about less hypos and less high 'highs'! That would be nice 🙂
Well Done Mike

That is brilliant that you have no lows or HI's after starting pumping, your posts have given me sooooo much hope as I am due to start pump therapy within a few weeks and can't wait 🙂
LOL, brill Mike actually, it's utterly new and you do have to get your head round it, so I really don't see that minor increase as anything to worry about.

I mean, under about 7, you have to have a hell of a difference in your A1c for it to make any noticeable difference to chances of getting nasties, don't you? IYSWIM.

How long till the next? - 6 months?
Thanks everyone! I've got a 'spare' form for an A1c that the registrar gave me at my last hospital AR. I was thinking of getting one done around this time (though would have left it a while longer if the surgery med review hadn't come up). GPsurg only called me in cos they didn't have a note of my Sept one 🙄

Hosp clinic v busy so might be a delay before my next appointment with them (due Sept/Nov). Will prob play my A1c joker in the Autumn/late summer depending on that.
Absolutely fantastic Mike!

I am watching your progress with great interest! I assumed that one of your main priorities was to allow you to be able to handle a bigger range of 'normal' - sorry, does that make sense, like when you're on holiday etc. Has this happened? Judging by less highs and lows I'd assume yes?
Yes I think I know what you mean... Had a half term break away with some friends since being in the pump - an absolute breeze compared to MDI!
Nice result Mike, well done.🙂
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