First podiatry appointment in 2 years does this look right ?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
As title says I've had my first face to face podiatry appointment today.
I feel so uncomfortable the nurse says they don't recommend cutting toenails straight across anymore
So she did this ( see photos)
They are way too short in my opinion.

Also took a scalpel to a verruca that had been frozen making it bleed.
In my 30 years of diabetes fiit caree if never felt so uncomfortable even in just socks.
Has anyone else had this ? is it right ?


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I only went to the podiatrist at the hospital once and it resulted in me being lame for several days afterwards with really sore feet where she pared back some cracked skin and cut out corns.....I walked in and hobbled out 😉 . It was all very hygienic and clinical and she put dressings on afterwards but she left me very sore. I only went because my diabetes nurse practitioner was not happy about me nipping out seed corns with my nail clippers. Thankfully I am capable of tending my own feet, flexibility wise, and I am happier and more comfortable dealing with my own footcare now than going back to the podiatrist, even if it does mean continuing to use my nail clippers on my seed corns.... I just don't tell my nurse what I do anymore. Shhh!
Not there to start with, then they appeared, gone again now!
There is a duplicate thread with the photos on it.....
@Robin is just a tad quicker on the draw. I have just come back to post a link and been pipped!
Your toenails certainly look shorter than I cut mine, although my partner cuts his like the podiatrist has done yours...I don't even know how it's possible to get them that short. No, I've never experienced a podiatrist but having read yours and @rebrascora's accounts, I will take care I never go and see one! Hope your feet feel better soon.
I did realise that, after - but I don't know I'm afraid hence haven't said anything else.
Ive merged the theads 🙂
Hi. I wouldn't cut my nails that short - asking for trouble.
Those toe nails look like the length I cut mine.
I am weirdly sensitive to slightly long nails and concerned about getting scratched by them or shoes not fitting because of long nails.
May also have something to do with being a climber so I have snug climbing shoes with no space for longer toe nails
So far, my short nails have not caused any problems and I do a lot of walking.
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