First lot of basal testing

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Phew, finally got over the cold and I'm ready to get on with the basal testing and fine tuning the pump settings. Yey.

So far so good, had an early dinner ready for the overnight testing. Possibly doing the supermarket shop just before fasting is not a great plan though!

7:30pm 6.8
Good luck. How often have you been asked to test? My son's old clinic made us test hourly, and 2-hourly throughout the night 😱
Oh dear, that didn't really go according to plan.

7:30 6.8
10:00 4.9
12:00 3.7. ate a couple of jelly babies and gave up on the test :(

I've had a few of lows overnight in the last week or so. I'd put it down to having the wii fit out in the evenings with the kids but I didn't do that last night.

I do have a higher basal rate (0.85 rather than 0.80) from 9 - 12, which I haven't noticed a problem. Would you leave everything as it is as carry on with the basal testing or change that first?

I've had it for a couple of weeks and not noticed it being an issue but then there has also been illness to add to the mix so it's hard to say. Either way looks like I'll be having another go later in the week.
I would imagine getting over the cold has reduced your requirements quite a bit, certainly happens to me and I always have more hypos when trying to adjust/reduce after an illness. Hope you can get things nice and stable soon! 🙂
Oh dear, that didn't really go according to plan.

7:30 6.8
10:00 4.9
12:00 3.7. ate a couple of jelly babies and gave up on the test :(

I've had a few of lows overnight in the last week or so. I'd put it down to having the wii fit out in the evenings with the kids but I didn't do that last night.

I do have a higher basal rate (0.85 rather than 0.80) from 9 - 12, which I haven't noticed a problem. Would you leave everything as it is as carry on with the basal testing or change that first?

I've had it for a couple of weeks and not noticed it being an issue but then there has also been illness to add to the mix so it's hard to say. Either way looks like I'll be having another go later in the week.

I think that's a very useful result. You've had some lows, tested basal and it seems to confirm that it could do with tweaking. In your shoes I'd make a small adjustment an hour or two before I wanted it to take effect then see how that goes.

Are you using TBRs when you have an evening of Wii Fit? Might be worth experimenting with that too!
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