First Insulin Injection Today...Think I did It Wrong!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello everyone, I must first apologise for not posting in such a long time, things have been, well, very difficult at home!

I had my Insulin initiation appointmnet with my DSN today. She is a new DSN and she is lovely, she was very good and patient with me...need to be with me, takes me forever to take in information!...I took my partner with me but he has remembered less than me :(

Anyway, she has started me on a low dose of Levimer, 10 units per 24 hours (One injection a day). So, at 9pm I took my first Insulin, no worries with needles so ok there. I was very nervous and wanted to get it over with, I felt quite emotional and upset!...Not sure why, this is supposed to be a positive step in managing my Diabetes. She showed me where to inject, along the line of the belly button, like the fatty belly part, left to right, , no trouble there then, lots of that fat! The thing is, my back is very bad and I can't quite bend to see my tummy, I injected about 2 inchs 'UP' from my belly button and to the right side...this is wrong? :confused:

Now I am so worried, messed up my first injection, I am so upset :( Will anything happen, will I get a hypo because it is near a muscle?....Please, can anyone advise or offer any reassurance.

Thank you in advance...Ellowyne xXx
It doesn't matter so long as it's into fatty tissue :D

You don't want to inject in the same place everytime anyway, changing sites every injection is important.

Hope Levemir works for you.
Yep, as David says, you can inject anywhere as long as it's in fatty tissue. Anywhere in the tummy area is good and it's best to do it in a different place each time.
Yep, as David says, you can inject anywhere as long as it's in fatty tissue. Anywhere in the tummy area is good and it's best to do it in a different place each time.

well done ellowyne for finding a new dsn ! secondly well done for your first idea i had, as i cant remember anything after the doc/dsn appoint. .. so thinking i might ask nursey id she minds me recording on my mobile phone vioce recorder the important stuff so i can re listen when more calm and then ask for a translation here...
well done ellowyne for finding a new dsn ! secondly well done for your first idea i had, as i cant remember anything after the doc/dsn appoint. .. so thinking i might ask nursey id she minds me recording on my mobile phone vioce recorder the important stuff so i can re listen when more calm and then ask for a translation here...

When you move on to insulin most of the manufacturers produce information packs that are very informative, pretty much they tell you all the nurse will tell you and perhaps more. Worth asking for one.

The other thing I do is take in a notebook (I always have one with me) and jot in advance any questions as they enter your head. Make sure you're happy with the answers.

If they discuss drugs or treatment I can't lip read I get the doc or nurse to write it down and I write the answers to the questions I've asked down - if it takes 'too long' tough, you're there for a reason, to get all the information you need and the questions you have answered.

Failing that, there's always us lot 🙄
Ellowynne, just wanted to congratulate you on doing your injection! Well done! You did fine - as the others say, it only needs to go into fatty tissue - it can be the top of the thigh, buttock, hip or tummy, but probably best to stick with what you know and use the tummy - just a slightly different place (a centimetre or inch is fine) is best, but it's only one a day so don't worry about that too much.

I know you were scared but I feel so happy for you, because I really think this will help you so much with controlling your levels! {{{{Big Hug!!!}}}:D
Congrats on getting through it Ellowynne i cant imagine how id feel , you will get there all the insulin users had to start the same way like you do, dont worry and you have this place to come to whenever your a little wary or nervous about it in future x x
Thankies so much!!! 🙂

Sorry!...After posting I went and laid down on the sofa, curled up and fell into a deep sleep!!....It's abeen a big day I guess! Thank you for all the kind replies, as always, the support here is just wonderful....Thank you!

I am so glad I did'nt do something wrong with my injection, thank you for all the reassurance, phew! :D Yes, next time I must remember my notepad, no good left at home. The leaflet and info with the Levimer is really good though, I need to have a good read of it a few times over I think.

I have to phone in to my new DSN on Thursday and report my fasting leverls to her, depending on these she may up the Levimer. She has said that I can phone her anytime, she was so kind to me and did'nt even mention my weight let alone beat me with the 'fat stick!' She said it was her job to look after me and my Diabetes and help in anyway that she could....Wow, I was treated like a human being at last and it was great :D

Again, I must say that I feel so blessed by the support I have received here, I can't thank you all enough!...I will check back and let you know how my fasting levels go...fingers crossed that this is a new positive start to controlling my Diabetes 🙂

Love to all....Ellowyne xXx
1 thing about this place above anything is you can have any prob or anything and it will be replied to and you will feel alot better , its what the forums all about pulling together as one xx
Hi Ellowynne,

Good that you had a bit of a sleep, the tension of the day will have really tired you out. Don't worry too much of your blood sugars don't show much improvement at first, it will be a gradual process as the DSN tries to find the best dose for you and she won't want to start you off on too much.

Try to get a good night's sleep tonight!🙂
You could try injecting into your thigh if you find that more easy to see what you are doing, long acting insulins are better injected into thighs and buttocks if possible.
I think we all remember our first injection, so wel done for getting it over with/
You could try injecting into your thigh if you find that more easy to see what you are doing, long acting insulins are better injected into thighs and buttocks if possible.
I think we all remember our first injection, so wel done for getting it over with/

Oh yes, I remember it so well! Especially as it was a syringe and vial! So not only putting the needle in, you had to put the air into the vial, then draw your insulin.

Remove any air, adjust the dose and then with a 12mm long needle had to get it 6mm in! 😱

Looking back, I actually preferred injecting with a syringe than a pen, just found I bruised less - you're not holding a huge lever containing a couple of weeks worth of insulin, just a small 'pen sized' syringe with the right amount.

Some things change for progress, but I'm not entirely sure whose progress at times, ours or the manufacturers?

Anyway, that's the first one, from now on, it gets easier and you have to look forward to better control and feeling better :D
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