First holiday period out of control

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hey all
I feel so low like I've undone all my hard work. Type 2 diagnosed in April Hb1Ac of 75, down to 37 in August. 3 metformin a day. 3 stone 4lb weight loss now bordering on underweight on BMI scale, exercise regularly and walk 15k steps daily but feel like I've failed this Xmas.

I realised I needed some more moderation if only to get some calories in as I keep losing weight and am far to skinny - 5ft 7 and 8 stone 8lb. However i've just gone off rails over Xmas. Had a meal out (pizza) with kids Xmas eve, Xmas day not too bad but had pudding, boxing day a carb heavy buffet and pudding but that was only meal of day. In between this I did Joe wicks videos and kept other meals on point. Mon 27th all to pot. First proper night out since diaognosis- learnt alcohol and diabetes do not mix the hard way. Next day hung over all day so only ate chips all day. Day after was out for a planned meal but pub we were at stopped serving food off the menu due to covid so forced to have what they could offer which was not diabetes friendly but again I'd eaten nothing much else all day so had to eat it or go home and spoil hubby's night. Also had covid booster that day. Day after in bed all day due to booster. Never felt as bad so food was a bite of pizza hubby ordered for kids. Yesterday new years eve was our Indian takeaway. Splurged because it was new year and ate what i wanted but other meals in day ok.I'm back on it now and know I should be able to pull it back but my fasting levels are high in 6's or even low 7's and I'm so annoyed at myself. Compared to a normal Xmas I've hardly indulged but I'm paranoid I've undone all my hard work but at same time think it's 1 week why am I been so hard on myself.

Main problem is I've my annual check next week so I'm petrified my hb1ac is going to be horrendous and its going to knock me back to square 1 again.

I didn't deal with diagnosis well and I still get weekly counselling to help me cope. I'm at my witts end swaying between not giving a dam and on verge of tears every 5 mins annoyed with myself for been human. I know I haven't overdone calories as haven't put weight on but my food choices haven't always been the best.

Sorry for the moan. Not even bothered if anyone replies just need to get it down
I was reading down your post, bracing myself for the horrendous BG figures you were going to report…and then I got to the bit about 6s and 7s. Don’t panic! That’s not at all bad considering you’ve been eating what for most people is a normal Christmas blow out. I expect a lot of non-diabetic people have been seeing those levels, they just don’t know! Of course you’re cross with yourself because you let go. But it’s only a week. I doubt it’ll show too much on the HbA1c, which is a 3 month average. So be kind to yourself, forgive yourself the slip-up, and get back on the rails tomorrow, or next week when you’re probably back in a more normal routine. I can tell you want to, because otherwise you wouldn’t have posted here!
Honestly, it's unlikely to have done a huge amount of damage. Just write it off and start again. New Year , New you 🙂 We're all human and need to be able to bend and flex at times. Don't be so hard on yourself🙂
A fasting of 6-7 i wish mines around 8-9 (before crimbo)and yes I'm going though the same its my first crimbo after diagnosis and I've gone completely off my restricted diet and spot checks are reading 10-13 rather than the 6-8 there normally at, so don't worry i aim to 'restart' the restrictions on Monday when my routine gets back to normal and the snacks etc are all gone.
I was reading down your post, bracing myself for the horrendous BG figures you were going to report…and then I got to the bit about 6s and 7s. Don’t panic! That’s not at all bad considering you’ve been eating what for most people is a normal Christmas blow out. I expect a lot of non-diabetic people have been seeing those levels, they just don’t know! Of course you’re cross with yourself because you let go. But it’s only a week. I doubt it’ll show too much on the HbA1c, which is a 3 month average. So be kind to yourself, forgive yourself the slip-up, and get back on the rails tomorrow, or next week when you’re probably back in a more normal routine. I can tell you want to, because otherwise you wouldn’t have posted here!
Thank you. I really do. I allow myself a treat once a week but usually all my meals are on point or very small portions of anything that will spike me to avoid the spike. In run up to Xmas I had to be a bit more lapse to accommodate things I had planned but I always worked the rest of the day well and did more exercise or was really clean the day after to compensate
A fasting of 6-7 i wish mines around 8-9 (before crimbo)and yes I'm going though the same its my first crimbo after diagnosis and I've gone completely off my restricted diet and spot checks are reading 10-13 rather than the 6-8 there normally at, so don't worry i aim to 'restart' the restrictions on Monday when my routine gets back to normal and the snacks etc are all gone.
I love your tag line its ok to look after yourself you only live once! My counsellor would say indulging was working towards social values or self care values so I think we need to remember that. I'm sorry and also pleaser you are going through same thing as me as makes me feel less alone. Hopefully 1 week won't do too much damage. Think I'd be less bothered if my annual check wasn't so soon after. My birthday is start of Dec so I'd hoped to have the check b4 Xmas will have to discuss the timing of the check with the nurse
I love your tag line its ok to look after yourself you only live once! My counsellor would say indulging was working towards social values or self care values so I think we need to remember that. I'm sorry and also pleaser you are going through same thing as me as makes me feel less alone. Hopefully 1 week won't do too much damage. Think I'd be less bothered if my annual check wasn't so soon after. My birthday is start of Dec so I'd hoped to have the check b4 Xmas will have to discuss the timing of the check with the nurse
Well on this forum your never alone, there's always someone who's been there/going though the same or close, and I'm glad of that as I wasn't told a great deal about the d when I was diagnosed back in march.
Please do not worry, your blood test will cover the past 3 months, this won't make any real difference to your result, and your BG has been acceptable - double figures would have been less good. We all have our bad days (plural intended) and I know I have been having mine, but we can pull up our socks and start over. You are not going to undo all the good work that fast, so don't get stressed as that could put your BG levels up too - deep breath, sweep it behind you, and take a fresh step forward ... I'm right behind you x
AS said the HbA1C is an average over a 3 month period so 1 week of slightly higher levels will make little difference. If it is not as good as you would like then it won't be just that week that has been the problem.
But it behind you and start afresh tomorrow.
They aren't awful numbers.
And at least you are testing so you know what's happening!
I know putting on weight could eventually be bad for me, but I'm not ruining my life by not enjoying myself when I should.
I may have put on a bit of weight over lockdown and Christmas.
Tomorrow is a new day, but my diet is on hold to Monday, I'm not beating myself up about anything.
As you say, you had reasons for what happened, diabetes to me isn't just about trying to keep BG down. It's about managing life to the best we can.
Somewhere under the heaps of stuff on the worktop in the kitchen there is something I will get around to uncovering and wipe it off - and it will be as good as ever even if it takes a few days to really get rid of the dried on sticky patches.
In a week or so I'll be able to fasten my belt on the third notch again as my weight retreats from the overindulgences - lagging a bit behind the return to normal blood glucose.
I doubt that there is any harm done either to the work top or my metabolism they both seem able to stand up to a bit of neglect.
This is the 5th Christmas after diagnosis, and I offer the advice, always have something you can eat in the fridge, and make yourself a good breakfast - it is much easier to cope with the rest of the day if you do.
Somewhere under the heaps of stuff on the worktop in the kitchen there is something I will get around to uncovering and wipe it off - and it will be as good as ever even if it takes a few days to really get rid of the dried on sticky patches.
In a week or so I'll be able to fasten my belt on the third notch again as my weight retreats from the overindulgences - lagging a bit behind the return to normal blood glucose.
I doubt that there is any harm done either to the work top or my metabolism they both seem able to stand up to a bit of neglect.
This is the 5th Christmas after diagnosis, and I offer the advice, always have something you can eat in the fridge, and make yourself a good breakfast - it is much easier to cope with the rest of the day if you do.
Thank you this is great advice and very reassuring
Somewhere under the heaps of stuff on the worktop in the kitchen there is something I will get around to uncovering and wipe it off - and it will be as good as ever even if it takes a few days to really get rid of the dried on sticky patches.
In a week or so I'll be able to fasten my belt on the third notch again as my weight retreats from the overindulgences - lagging a bit behind the return to normal blood glucose.
I doubt that there is any harm done either to the work top or my metabolism they both seem able to stand up to a bit of neglect.
This is the 5th Christmas after diagnosis, and I offer the advice, always have something you can eat in the fridge, and make yourself a good breakfast - it is much easier to cope with the rest of the day if you do.

I suspect I'm more into the "Sand the worksurface and retreat with Danish oil" stage!
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