first HbA1c with pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Started on the pump in July and have just had my first HbA1c since going on the pump.

My previous HbA1c was 94 mmol/mol (10.8%) and my blood sample this week came back as 59 mmol/mol (7.5%).

This is the first time I've got under 8% in 16 years! Delighted is an understatement. :D

Think this proves I should have got the pump ages ago.
Brilliant, well done! 🙂

And yes, I would recommend the pump to everyone!
I am hoping to make a nearly similar post in the new year, well done......🙂
Congratulations on a great improvement! Onward and downward 🙂
Well done Chandler, great result.
Thanks everyone. So pleased that this result justifies my fight for the pump.
Fantastic well done! 🙂
Great work :D
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