First hba1c since stopping Metformin...


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
So this morning I had a blood test to see what's going on 4 months after stopping Metformin.

My last hba1c was 38

Last week I was on holiday in Bulgaria and ate normally. In general, I've been eating more carbs (Oats for breakfast a few times a week, chips, the odd burger, bang bang cauliflower from Wagamama, chips, potatoes, etc)

I was fearing a terrible result. (Tuesday I had steak and chunky chips and two beers!)

The result came through this afternoon: 37!!!
Absolutely delighted for you! Your metabolism has clearly recovered. Well done for all the hard work you have put in to get to this stage and hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here on in.
Many congratulations!!
Well done!
Fab news @harbottle! Looks like you might be able to update your signature (3 years now, not 2!) 😎
Awesome :D
Many congratulations!
I love that the "remission" is marked as "significant"
Many congratulations!
I love that the "remission" is marked as "significant"

Yes, that amused me.

The people who join this forum seem to be the ones who with the drive to sort it out.
Outside of this forum, the vast majority don't do anything (Including around 3 people I know, which surprises me).
From talking to friends who are GPs and Nurses, it's not something they see very often.

I probably should have stopped the Metformin 2 years ago, as it's probably not been doing anything. Except giving me constipation. Man, since then I spend all the time unblocking the loo. All that fibre!
Well done. Brilliant news.