First hba1c since pumping :)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Ben had his first clinic review today since starting pumping 6wks ago. They are delighted with his progress (as are we). I honestly wouldn't have been worried if the magic number wasn't any lower as I could see overall his levels were much more stable rather than the peaks and troughs of before. Anyway his last result was 7.9 which was only achieved with an unsustainable amount of work and very little sleep - prior to this he sat between 8.2 and 8.5. Today his result was 7.2. I'm over the moon especially as it's still early days and still plenty opportunity to tweak things - have been careful to take it slowly so far. Back in 4 months when maybe we'll make it into the sixes! Happy days!
Ruth congratulations to Ben and all of you for the hard work you put in every day, its paying off in the best posible way,well done x 🙂
Thanks Steff, it really is nice to see some reward for our hard work, especially since we appreciate how lucky we were, being under Glasgow authority,to get a pump. X
Thats a great result, any drop reduces risk by a much larger fraction......

If things stay as stable as they have been the next result will be much lower for sure.........

Fantastic well done 🙂
Well done! - mine's very much a WIP LOL
Especially good result, given that there is so much more stability - well done! 🙂
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