First gym session

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Right, so i managed to get the the gym today as part as my new going to the gym 3 days a week plan and i promised u guys i would let u know how i got on 🙂

After lunch at work (about an hour and a half before gym) i was 6.5, thought that was a little low to exercise on so had a medium sized banana and tested again before i began my workout - 8.1 happy with that i did 15 mins on the treadmill (walking with some running) and a further 10 mins on the bike, thought i ought to test and i went right down to 4.1 😱 sat down for bit had couple gluco tabs to top me up and then did 15 mins on the cross trainer, some light weights and then a final cooldown on the tread (just walking 5 mins) tested again and was 4.3 and i wasnt gonna make it home on that (another 25 min walk) so had an apple to get home without a hypo risk, got in was starving lol so had a couple biscits!

i think it went ok for the first time but maybe i need to have extra carbs before i start?? or have one of those sports drinks whilst im working out so i dont go too low?

Im sooo gonna ache tomoro 😛
Good going gal for getting the motivation to go the the gym thats the hard part for most so well done on that cant help on the carbs question but wanted to say keep up the good work x
You did really well! 🙂 You spotted the lows before they got too low and treated them appropriately and managed a good workout! Remember that you will be more sensitive to your insulin after the exercise, so might need slightly less insulin for the next couple of meals. As you progress, you might also need to lower your basal insulin, so keep an especially close eye on your levels for a while. A sports drink might be a good idea so that you can take brief sips throughout your exercise so that you are topped up but don't spike yourself - be aware of how many carbs you are drinking though. Trial and error will teach you what works best for you in time.

Something else you will probably find is that, as your body gets used to a certain level of activity you will be able to get by without needing to top up quite so much - until you increase your activity levels. For example, I can run 5 miles without extra carbs because I an used to running that distance. If I increase to 8 miles then I will need extra carbs for a while until I am used to the new distance.

Well done again, and thank you for letting us know how you got on 🙂
No problem, im happy with how it went 🙂

I think a few tweaks here and there and i will be good to go...hopefully! may try the sports drink idea on wednesday and see how that goes and will make sure i keep an eye on my levels. i was really suprised how much exercise effects the blood sugars though, was not expecting such a sudden drop in a short amount of time.
Sounds pretty good going and you are very aware of what is happening to your body. That's brilliant!
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