First DSN Check up - update

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all

Hope everyone is having a good day. I thought I would share what happened at my first DSN appointment since I was diagnosed last month.

Arrived early as my appointment was broken down into 3 appointments.

Appointment one was to have bloods taken, they needed to check liver enzymes again, amylase (I suspect this was added after my recent abdominal scan showed up a fatty pancreas as well as a liver as the Sonographer asked me if I had had Pancreatitis) Also checking for foliate. Just realised this wasnt a fasting blood test, I wonder if it should have been, never mind its done now.

I had 40 minutes to spare until my DSN double appointment so walked to the local cafe in the parade of shops nearby and had a coffee, the lady that served me, said to me how well I looked, she said she remembered me from about 4/5 weeks ago (I had a final bacon bap before my diagnosis on my way to get the results) I do remember chatting to her about my worry that I may be diabetic. She said whatever I had done it was working as I was looking good, she made my day to be honest

Then off I trot back to the surgery to meat the DSN. She was so lovely and very kind, not like my previous experience when I had the scan with the Sonographer. She asked me about how I was coping and took my blood pressure, which she did twice as the first time it was very high, which she said was because we were chatting away and my legs were crossed 🙂 The second reading was 120/73 so happy with that. She weighed me and was pleased to see I have lost 1 stone 9 pounds already. I showed her the nutri app log of what I was eating and she was impressed. I explained that I have completed the type 2 programmed on the NHS website, given up smoking, changed my diet, exercise daily, bought a glucose meter to test, she asked me todays readings, which were 6.1 on waking and 8.2 2 hours after eating scrambled eggs, tomatoes and a small slice of wholemeal toast. She said the readings were good and suprised I had purchased a meter myself. I told her I had paid to have the advanced eye test but had also booked in to have it again on the NHS.

She checked my feet, which were OK and spoke to me at great length, but said she was pleased that I had taken such a grasp of everything, I explained about this helpful forum and how you all were here for each other day or night which was/is a godsend.

Finally she said she wanted to prescribe metoformin as my HBAC1 was 80, I said that my GP had said she was happy to wait until my second test in September to see if I can manage by diet alone, so she agreed to this and said our next appointment in November we could discuss again.

A very positive experience today 🙂
Wow! You're lucky with your GP and DN leaving off prescribing metformin. When I was first diagnosed the GP insisted it was to be metformin come what may!

Sounds like you are doing really well and everything is going in the right direction. Well done @Jenny65! 🙂
Sounds like you have some great HCPs and that they and you handled the situation really well.
So pleased the coffee shop lady helped to boost your spirits too but most of all you have every right to be extremely proud of yourself because you have made massive changes to your lifestyle in a very short space of time and they are obviously paying off already if a stranger can notice a difference and your readings are looking so great.
I am very optimistic and confident that your diabetes diagnosis is actually a turning point in your life for the better as many of us have found, not just physically but mentally too. Well done for facing the challenge head on and it sounds like you are absolutely nailing it.... Go girl!!
Sounds like you have some great HCPs and that they and you handled the situation really well.
So pleased the coffee shop lady helped to boost your spirits too but most of all you have every right to be extremely proud of yourself because you have made massive changes to your lifestyle in a very short space of time and they are obviously paying off already if a stranger can notice a difference and your readings are looking so great.
I am very optimistic and confident that your diabetes diagnosis is actually a turning point in your life for the better as many of us have found, not just physically but mentally too. Well done for facing the challenge head on and it sounds like you are absolutely nailing it.... Go girl!!
What a lovely response @rebrascora that made me well up, thank you so much, I think I was dreading today as had such a weird experience when I had the scan, I felt like I was being judged, reprimanded almost for being diabetic. The nurse today made up for it though and the cafe lady and now you @rebrascora have made me happy thank you xx
Wow! You're lucky with your GP and DN leaving off prescribing metformin. When I was first diagnosed the GP insisted it was to be metformin come what may!

Sounds like you are doing really well and everything is going in the right direction. Well done @Jenny65! 🙂
Thank you @Vonny You are another poster that always responds in a kind and informative way, it means a lot and I have gained so much from reading your posts xxx
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