First Diabetic eye test

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Well done, @Heroxy, that's a positive attitude! Personally I'm not keen on having the drops, and as I don't like anything near my eyes I flinch every time 😱 !

Let us know when you get the letter - all the best to you 🙂
Well done, @Heroxy, that's a positive attitude! Personally I'm not keen on having the drops, and as I don't like anything near my eyes I flinch every time 😱 !

Let us know when you get the letter - all the best to you 🙂
Thank you Pine Marten - I will let you know when I get my letter this is the hard bit the waiting. Its just something else I have to get used to all these health tests , Like my INR Bloods one which at them moment is every week :-( just another thing I cant get right ATM.So hoping Eyes will be ok
Keeping fingers crossed for you.
I think the vast majority of the time there are no concerns at all. Occasionally you might get a letter saying that there is some background retinopathy, but this can resolve on it's own by the following year and I think of it a bit like when you cut your finger and it will bleed and then scab over and sometimes you are left with a little scar and sometimes it completely heals, but either way, your finger still works fine. It is however important to manage your diabetes as well as you can to reduce the risk to your eyes and this is stressed in the letter, which can be a bit annoying sometimes when you are already doing your best to keep your levels stable and in range.
Very occasionally there will be more serious changes, but even then these do not automatically need treatment and if they do, there are a variety of treatments available which are very effective, as people on this forum can testify to, so try not to worry and more than likely you will get the all clear.
I don’t have any issues at the time of the test and my vision isn’t affected much but every single time I get a migraine a few hours later despite staying in a darkish room and using sunglasses.

This year I said I didn’t want the drops and they said ok they’d try without. If the images weren’t clear enough they also have the option of half strength drops they more commonly use with pregnant women. Apparently most people do ok without them, though it gets harder with age. They use them to prevent too many recalls for poor images. Luckily the tester said my pupils were large and it worked just fine. I did use my hands to shield the surrounding light to optimise my dilation.

So if you have real issues from the drops ask to do it without them.

For the record my 2nd yr diagnosed (in remission since diagnosis + 3months) I had a little background stuff in one eye but it was gone the following year. They said it might even have been image artifact. My letter this year took less than a week after the test.
Hi all
Just wanted to let you know I had my first Diabetic Eye test yesterday. It was not as bad as I thought the lady was fab and even having the eye drops in was ok. Nothing to be scared of (I was) And not long to wait.

Always find them to be nice friendly people, don't mind drops but at this time of year always take sunglasses for walk home as glare is unpleasant outside, good luck.
Well I got my letter today from my (1st yearly) eye test. All good but some problem not Diabetic related, letter sent to my DR as well. I know I have 2 cataract one in each eye and I know I have a mole in one eye too.
@ pine marten
Well done, @Heroxy, that's a positive attitude! Personally I'm not keen on having the drops, and as I don't like anything near my eyes I flinch every time 😱 !

Let us know when you get the letter - all the best to you 🙂
Mee too - I hate people messing with my eyes, Just the thought of contact lenses……!
Good evening all hope you are all keeping well?
I had my meds review today and test results (Blood) all doing well BP is good Liver function , Kidneys and best of all..... Blood sugar is now 45 🙂
I was 52
Still on meds but going the right way 🙂 feeling very positive atm.

Great result!
@ pine marten

Mee too - I hate people messing with my eyes, Just the thought of contact lenses……!

I'm much the same.
Not keen on the drops approaching.

I did have to wear contact lenses for one job I had though, couldn't wear my glasses.
In the good old days of gas permeable contact lenses, I even got quite good at popping then out, licking the inside to clean them, then putting them back in without a mirror if I got something behind them.
It's surprising what you can do if you have to!
I'm much the same.
Not keen on the drops approaching.

I did have to wear contact lenses for one job I had though, couldn't wear my glasses.
In the good old days of gas permeable contact lenses, I even got quite good at popping then out, licking the inside to clean them, then putting them back in without a mirror if I got something behind them.
It's surprising what you can do if you have to!
That tells a very disconcerting story - replacing ice creams for contact lenses
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