First day

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
My first night with the pump was interesting, a couple of hypos which were difficult to treat. Didn't sleep much so in return have felt terrible today. Luckily I took the day off work but I'm back tomorrow and very nervous. Have discussed a revised basal pattern so I'm hoping I will be ok. Everything with the canula and button pressing has been fine so that's been a relief.
Well done on the first day, Rainbow, it was bound to be tricky but hopefully it will get easier. Glad to hear operating the pump is ok, I hope you sleep better tonight! Keep us posted on how it goes....
That's good to hear Rainbow. Keep us up to speed and hopefully the new basals will work.

good luck rainbow xx keep us posted 🙂
Hi Rainbow,

Congrats on getting started 🙂 Thats the first hurdle out of the way!

Its very much a shame you have to work there the option of being kind to yourself or having a sneaky day off? I think its very worthy (heck, Id take the week!). I think you might well need it and maybe will need it even more geniunally if you dont sleep well or have another hypo.

Try not to do too much if at all possible, I would suggest keeping things simple and if you get some dodgy numbers then dont panic and treat them as you usually would. Rememeber that getting those desirable numbers doesnt happen instantly.

Hope to see you online tomorrow and look forward to hearing about how it is going.

Great work (it might not feel like it right now) but well done, hang in there 😉

Lou x
Well done on your first day.

I'm sure your new basal profile will improve things.
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