First day using TSlim pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've been so nervous about changing from a Medtronic pump having used them for about 16 years but the issues I was having with sensor and cannula adhesive were the deciding factor to change to TSlim and Dexcom.

The virtual training for TSlim was excellent and I'd been asked to set Dexcom up the day before. Filling the reservoir is going to take some getting used to it's a bit of a faff with air bubbles and syringes but needs must.

The thing that really threw me was I thought I'd get used to the pump for a few weeks then switch on Control IQ. The trainer told me to toggle on Control IQ, enter my weight and average daily insulin units.... and the hybric closed loop is up and running. Wait! What!?

Oh my goodness, HCL is in my very very limited experience amazing. I slept well for the first time in decades with no pump alarms and the pump stopped my regular 2.20am hypo without waking me up. I was 6.0 when I woke up slightly amazed at what a difference it had made. I do feel a bit odd as in I have a bit of headspace back and am not muttering and cancelling pump alarms, I keep looking at my pump in disbelief and checking it is working. I tried my best previously and had a good time in range but so far today I've been mainly in range with a lot less input from me. It feels like there's an invisible hand doing magic stuff to my pump to keep me on the straight and narrow. So far so good.

I didn't expect to feel so different mentally - in a good way! I took @SB2015 good advice on board to let the HCL do its thing and try to take a step back. 🙂
I've been so nervous about changing from a Medtronic pump having used them for about 16 years but the issues I was having with sensor and cannula adhesive were the deciding factor to change to TSlim and Dexcom.

The virtual training for TSlim was excellent and I'd been asked to set Dexcom up the day before. Filling the reservoir is going to take some getting used to it's a bit of a faff with air bubbles and syringes but needs must.

The thing that really threw me was I thought I'd get used to the pump for a few weeks then switch on Control IQ. The trainer told me to toggle on Control IQ, enter my weight and average daily insulin units.... and the hybric closed loop is up and running. Wait! What!?

Oh my goodness, HCL is in my very very limited experience amazing. I slept well for the first time in decades with no pump alarms and the pump stopped my regular 2.20am hypo without waking me up. I was 6.0 when I woke up slightly amazed at what a difference it had made. I do feel a bit odd as in I have a bit of headspace back and am not muttering and cancelling pump alarms, I keep looking at my pump in disbelief and checking it is working. I tried my best previously and had a good time in range but so far today I've been mainly in range with a lot less input from me. It feels like there's an invisible hand doing magic stuff to my pump to keep me on the straight and narrow. So far so good.

I didn't expect to feel so different mentally - in a good way! I took @SB2015 good advice on board to let the HCL do its thing and try to take a step back. 🙂
So pleased that this is working for you. That first night of undisturbed relaxed sleep is bliss.
A bit of a shock to be set off straight away in Control IQ but it is obviously working for you.

Now you just need a naming ceremony. What will it be?
Ooh, that’s a great start, long may it continue!
Delighted for you! Good sleep is bliss. Hope this was the first of a long habit of good sleep and good diabetes management..... and that the faff of filling the reservoir gets easier. 🙄
How are you doing @Flower ?
I hope that you are continuing to see the benefits of your new system.
I know I had glitches at the start but gradually found work arounds.
Thanks @SB2015 it’s going really well so far.

I can’t believe how efficient Control IQ is at bringing my levels gently back into range. I’ve been 94% in range over the past 3 days with a couple of hypos in the high 3’s not the usual low 2’s.

I’ve managed a set change today following videos and apart from forgetting to press the vital ‘Resume Insulin’ button all seems good.

I’m not used to the lack of alarms and input from me yet but I’ll happily adapt. I’m sure there will be glitches ahead but for now I’m very pleased with how it’s going 🙂
Thanks @SB2015 it’s going really well so far.

I can’t believe how efficient Control IQ is at bringing my levels gently back into range. I’ve been 94% in range over the past 3 days with a couple of hypos in the high 3’s not the usual low 2’s.

I’ve managed a set change today following videos and apart from forgetting to press the vital ‘Resume Insulin’ button all seems good.

I’m not used to the lack of alarms and input from me yet but I’ll happily adapt. I’m sure there will be glitches ahead but for now I’m very pleased with how it’s going 🙂
So pleased that it is working so well for you.
Any change to a new infusion set takes a bit of getting used to.
Enjoy adapting to to lack of input required.
I can’t believe how efficient Control IQ is at bringing my levels gently back into range. I’ve been 94% in range over the past 3 days with a couple of hypos in the high 3’s not the usual low 2’s.
Ah that’s so great to hear @Flower

And my body seems to love the automatically switchable ‘night time’ mode too. It’s very rare for me to be woken by alarms overnight with the tSlim, and I almost always wake to a flat line in the high 5s / low 6s. It really is amazing!

I’ve managed a set change today following videos and apart from forgetting to press the vital ‘Resume Insulin’ button all seems good.

Haha! That gets me frequently too - so many screens that feel like the final press of the set change routine… but then there are those extra “Oh… do you want to start your insulin going again?” ones. Well Duh! Yes I do actually. Surprised you have to ask!
And my body seems to love the automatically switchable ‘night time’ mode too. It’s very rare for me to be woken by alarms overnight with the tSlim, and I almost always wake to a flat line in the high 5s / low 6s. It really is amazing
The absolute joy of sleep without any worries around levels. Bliss
Haha! That gets me frequently too - so many screens that feel like the final press of the set change routine… but then there are those extra “Oh… do you want to start your insulin going again?” ones. Well Duh! Yes I do actually. Surprised you have to ask!
That’s why my daughter’s is called Marvin… because he really is a Paranoid Android!! :rofl:
2 months now on TSlim/Dexcom hcl, still wow 🙂

I didn't expect to notice such a change in how I felt mentally. Before starting on hcl it was nearly always a pump/cgm alarm/out of range glucose level that caused me to react badly. Alarms throughout the night, you're going low, still low, insulin suspend, insulin resuming, you're going high and so the cycle continued. I'd got to feel safe with that as I don't have any hypo awareness and I am totally dependent on tech to try and keep me safe. That was a big worry for me when changing, would I feel ok relying on a new pump/cgm to keep me safe through the night. So far so good, I've had one hypo in the night but nothing severe and the sleep setting on the pump makes any insulin adjustments more gentle. The improvement in sleep is also amazing.

The whole set up has made my diabetes far less dramatic. I'm not treating lows & overtreating lows and not chasing down highs with insulin. My blood sugar is so much calmer and the only highs I've had have been from cannula failure. That is still one of the most frustrating aspects of using a pump.

My time in range is the best I've ever had with a lot less input from myself. I feel calmer and safer about my diabetes & I'm using less insulin per day as I'm not having to eat glucose for lows.

Looking back to my diagnosis in 1978 when I was given a grey plastic urine testing kit with test tube, pipette & caustic tablets that didn't give me the slightest clue if I was hypo or otherwise I am so impressed with the tech I'm able to use today. It is fantastic & I know I am fortunate to be able to use it. I really hope access to hcl can be widened to give everyone who would like to use it the chance to do so.
So pleased you are seeing such a huge benefit both in terms of diabetes management and anxiety and less mental strain and you are learning to trust it and relax more. Really lovely to read such a positive benefit from the technology. Shame about the cannula issue. Hopefully the current developments in that field will lead to more improvement there too in the near future.
How lovely to read the impact looping with your t slim is having on you, both physically and mentally.

I know no system is perfect but compared to the regular alarms, the looping is a breeze, and sleep is so good. That was the biggest impact on me, once I had let the system get on with its job. Just fabulous to read how well it is going @Flower .
Blimey, @Flower - what a truly wonderful change it is to read your posts above and find out that at last you've been paired with something that actually does what it says on the tin for you!! I might even suggest you ought to also consider buying lottery tickets ........

Lovely!! :D :D :D
Brilliant to read your update @Flower and to hear that HCL has made such a massive improvement to your life - woohoo!!! I'm really really happy for you. :D
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