First Consultant Appointment

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Tomorrow I have my first appointment with a diabetes consultant - even though it's now a year since I became diabetic!

I think I should get my HbA1c result so fingers crossed! I'm hoping it's a reasonable result as my control has been good for quite a while, but the past couple of weeks I've lost the plot and been eating things I shouldn't really (sweets are my downfall!) and even sometimes completely forgot about testing and injecting at mealtimes. I don't know why I'm doing this and sabotaging myself, it's so stupid - am I trying to ignore the fact I have diabetes? I'm sick of feeling bruised and tender on my tum (worse on the thighs) and why does it sometimes hurt so much to prick your finger and then other times you can hardly feel it.

Sorry for the moaning, I'm so fed up of this. With the way it happened that I became diabetic, I was just feeling glad to be alive at first and being diabetic seemed such a small price to pay for that, but as time's passing that feeling's changing and it's starting to hit me that this really is a big thing and it's not going to live with me - I have to live with it.
Hope all goes well and that you have a good consultant 🙂 I know what you mean - I, too, was glad to be alive when diagnosed. I had felt so wretched for so long and suddenly I felt marvellous! I think you go through stages though. Maybe you get a bit complacent, or rebellious, or angry, or tearful - it's all par for the course I think, so don't feel bad about feeling bad and letting things slip for a while. The good thing is that you recognise it, and you will gather your strength and get back on track.

Good luck, and please let us know how it goes 🙂
Well, just back from the hospital and they seem to have been very thorough - weighed, measured, ECG, examined my feet, insisted I get an appointment for my eyes testing (already have one for Thursday!). The consultant was pretty good and spent a lot of time explaining things (even drew me a diagram to show how my gallstones moved from the gall bladder to shatter my pancreas!). I feel a lot better about how I'm handling all this.

My HbA1c was 5.6% which is down from 6.0 last November. He was really pleased with me and said I have very good control and that it's ages since he's seen anyone with such good results! It really bucked me up and made me feel a lot more positive about it as I can't have been doing such a bad job of controlling my bs as I was starting to think. However, he did point out my weight gain (as if I'm not already aware of that!) and said I should make an effort to be more active. I am making some progress in this area, although it's taken such a long time to recover from the pancreatitis and be able to walk more than just a few yards! Also, my cholesterol was 5.2 and he said diabetics should ideally be under 4.0 so he's putting me on statins (after I told him my father, who was always fit and slim, had 2 cholesterol-related heart attacks).

BTW, the pathology report said HbA1c should be below 6.5% although I notice in another post that there's talk the target's to be raised from 7 to 7.5 - does it vary by area?
Hi Suzanne, sounds like you had a good consultation! Congratulations on the HbA1c! All the best people have 5.6% (it's the same as mine 😉) Don't worry about the 7.5% business - that's all to do with GPs targets, not individuals. Basically, it means that GPs shouldn't be too 'aggressive' in their treatment of diabetics just to get them below 7, if this means them having lots of hypos. Unless you are having lots of debilitating hypos you should just keep on doing what you are doing as you appear to be doing great!.

If you can increase your activity levels, that will help with the cholesterol as well as the statins.

Once again, well done! 🙂
great HbA1c results !!! well done🙂
Good to hear that the appointment went well, and well done on the results 🙂
Well done on your hba1c reduction 🙂 x
Great results...i wish i could get mine that low others have said if you are coping well with your diabetes then i wouldn't pay too much attention to 'targets' and that jazz. You are far better off having low(er) HBA1C's than very high results as we know from all the long term complications etc.

You've done great, well done.

Bernie x 🙂
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