first cannula change

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
morning all,

well thats me attempted my first cannula change on my own.

been very nervous lol just had my brekkie so will see what happens..

i wasnt sure weather to do the cannula change before or after brekkie?
so ive just done it before lol

hope ur all well x
thanks guys 🙂

just wondered is there anyone on here who has tryed a pump but didnt think it was for them and returned it ?

Well done, yes always if possible change canula before meal or snack so you can bolus and check that its ok.

Why are you having doubts? Its early days and a lot to take in. Did you really really want the pump or is it something that has been offered and you wernt sure? Pumps are great but not necessarily the right thing for everyone.
Well done, yes always if possible change canula before meal or snack so you can bolus and check that its ok.

Why are you having doubts? Its early days and a lot to take in. Did you really really want the pump or is it something that has been offered and you wernt sure? Pumps are great but not necessarily the right thing for everyone.

yh thanks, it seems to have worked lol i hypoed a few hours later mind u 😛

yes i do want the pump 🙂 just think its a lot to take in but as each day passes im getting a little more used to it, im not giving up! lol
Well done the first change is always the most worrying
yh thanks, it seems to have worked lol i hypoed a few hours later mind u 😛

yes i do want the pump 🙂 just think its a lot to take in but as each day passes im getting a little more used to it, im not giving up! lol

It does take a little while to get used to - but not as long as you'd think. Hang in there, I'm sure before long you'll be singing the pump's praises with the rest of us!
Yup, took me a few goes to get used to it and to work out where works best for me.

Well done, the first is always the worst...

There is a small percentage of people who don't get on with a pump and decided to hand them back, but they are few and far between
yh hopefully il be joining u lot soon and telling everyone how good it is 🙂

since this morning though, ive felt the bit where the cannula is, is a bit nippy sometimes... but my sugar levels have been fine so i know the insulin is still going in. is it normal for it to be a bit nippy or should i be worried? lol
thanks guys 🙂

just wondered is there anyone on here who has tryed a pump but didnt think it was for them and returned it ?


Hi hun...I know someone female and in her 20's who returned hers and she didnt get on with it. She's not on here tho :( x x x
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