First blood check

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Good afternoon
I've just had my first bloods back after being diagnosed with type 2 in December. It was 96 now down to 67. The Dr said that was great. Still a way to go. My concerns are : how many metformin I am on. (4 a day) My kidney function is down. It was perfect before medication. I have out on. 4 kilos despite running 2-3 miles a day. And cutting out fizzy pop, chocolate and such. Is the weight gain related to the kidney function? Got to wait another 3 weeks to see diabetic nurse. Really want to cut back on metformin and go natural/herbal. Any advice would beich appreciated.
Good afternoon
I've just had my first bloods back after being diagnosed with type 2 in December. It was 96 now down to 67. The Dr said that was great. Still a way to go. My concerns are : how many metformin I am on. (4 a day) My kidney function is down. It was perfect before medication. I have out on. 4 kilos despite running 2-3 miles a day. And cutting out fizzy pop, chocolate and such. Is the weight gain related to the kidney function? Got to wait another 3 weeks to see diabetic nurse. Really want to cut back on metformin and go natural/herbal. Any advice would beich appreciated.
Have you tried a low carb approach as that is one that people find successful at reducing blood glucose and losing weight.
Have a look at this link to see how it compares to what you are doing.
As you only mention cutting out the 'sugary' foods rather than reducing all carbohydrates I suspect you are still have too many carbs for your body to cope with. Metformin even at the max dose only help but still needs reduction in carb intake.
However you are still heading in the right direction.
Kidney function can vary from many things, particularly from what you did and have consumed before being tested. I tend to try and get tested at around the same time of day and after having done the same things as before the last test. This gives me a more comparative result to compare. Don't forget kidney function decreases with age so "perfect" is an illusion. Normal for your age is the yard stick for kidneys. Don't be sucked in with CKD being a death sentance as it is only another disease. If it really worries you, check out kidney friendly diets. In the early days it pushed my kidney function up a little. As with diabetes eat healthy forgoing man made and adulterated foods. Don't go with sugar suppliments unless they are derived from stevia and such like, everything else usually has aspartame which helps kill kidneys.
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