When I started to pump I self funded as my pct suffered from anal retention 😡 so obviously know exactly how much supplies cost and I do wince at the waste of supplies by certain people.
Starting on a pump is a very steep learning curve and mistakes are made, which is acceptable. 🙂
What I find unacceptable is when people do not learn by their mistakes and thus the costs for the PCT equivalent rise to such an extent that it stops others being able to pump due to the pot of money being exhausted.
MY commissioning group insist that one box of tethlon cannulas is enough for 1 months use, once teething problems are sorted. I know of a couple of people that use 3 boxes a month so in effect that stops 2 others going on a pump. I did hear the other day of someone being taken off of their pump due to unacceptable consumable usage. (not in my area)