first bent cannula :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hey guys, just comin on for a rant

tonight ive had my first bent cannula situation :( its my own fault, i was in such a rush this morning and ended up doing my set change in my car. (il never do that again!!!!)

i had my breakfast before i done my set change and i usually always do my set change before breakfast.

so my suagrs were ok up till lunch time. I was at 11.1 at lunch but never thought it was rising because of the pump, so then worked out 70g of carb and took +1 correction. then by 4pm i was feeling terrible, high temp, feeling sick and light headed. I checked my ketones and blood sugar. had plus three ketones and was sitting at 22.8. I then took a pen jag of 6 units and done a set change and guess what, the cannula bit was bent!!! i was mortified lol im just hoping this new one wont be bent :( i think its just cause of the way i was sitting in the car and cause i was in such a rush! its just not worth it! i feel like crap and now waiting impatiently for these ketones and sugars to drop!! heres hoping!!

anyway moan over. hope ur all having a better day 🙂 xx
Hope you are feeling better soon Loz 🙂 Must be a bit scary when that happens - take your time in future! 😉
Poor you Loz! Its a nightmare doing a set change in a rush I agree! 😉
thanks guys 🙂 i hope so too.

just wanted to ask for some advice here.

about 5pm i took 6 units of insulin as i was taking 20% of yesterdays daily totals. I also changed my set and put on a temp basal of 150%.
7pm and ive still got ketones and high sugars so took another 6 units with the pen and also took 5 units with the pump to cover food im eating.

See if by 9pm its still high with ketones, do i take another injection of 6 units???

or is that too much?? dunno wot to do :( il prob end up in hosp!
Hi Loz how did it work out? Still got ketones?

hey my ketones have now gone and my blood sugar is now at 12.8 but im wondering now how do i know if the new set change is working?? cause ive taken two lots of 6 units of pen and maybe thats whats brought it down??

so dont know if when i got to sleep my sugars might start to creep up :( this sucks :(
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i also had something to eat about 7pm and took 5 units on my pump so do u think the set change may be working??
If you ate and haven't shot high, I'd think the new set is working. I totally know what you mean when you wonder if it's the pen correction keeping you low.

If it was me I'd probably set an alarm for 3am and check then, by that time all your injected insulin should be well out your system.
If you ate and haven't shot high, I'd think the new set is working. I totally know what you mean when you wonder if it's the pen correction keeping you low.

If it was me I'd probably set an alarm for 3am and check then, by that time all your injected insulin should be well out your system.

thanks so much for your advice 🙂 everytime im stuck i just come on here and ask 🙂 its very much appreciated :D

il do that check 🙂 ta xx
no worries 🙂 if you want my mobile feel free to PM me and I'll give it to you so you always have someone on tap!!

aww thanks 🙂

my sugar at 9.30 was 12.8 now im at 6.9, should i think of eating something??

argh il prob end up hypoing now!!

oh the joys lol xx
hey everyone 🙂

im finally back to normal 🙂 and feeling much better! cant believe how ill i felt just cause i never got ma insulin for a few hours. just shows u how much we need it eh.

I was 6.4 before bed so i had 2 cps just incase i went hypo after all the insulin i had taken. At 3am i was at 14.7 and had 0.6 ketones on the blood meter but none on the urine sticks. I was getting worried as i thought my set change wasnt working but i took 2 units through the pump to see if it would work and an hour later i was at 10.1 with no ketones. Then at 6am i went hypo so defo knew it worked lol

lets hope it doesnt happen or again or at least for a very long time lol

hope u all have a nice wkend :D xx
Glad to hear you got it sorted successfully Loz 🙂 You will have learned quite a lot from the experience too, so it will help you in the future!
Glad to hear you got it sorted successfully Loz 🙂 You will have learned quite a lot from the experience too, so it will help you in the future!

yes defo!! hopefully il be more calm next time it happens which i hope isnt too soon 🙂
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