first bad cold since diagnosis

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I'm Type 1.5 and as yet on Metformin 1500mg at night and 80mg gliclazide morning and evening. I started a really heavy cold on Monday and have had the usual cold symptons and my levels were up slightly (mid 8s) but I've been eating and drinking OK. I had a really bad night and am running a temperature (not high just sweaty etc) and I just can't stop blowing my nose (Rudolph has nothing on me this morning !).

Fasting level this morning was 10.1 - unheard of for me. I've already had 2 cups of tea and a large glass of water. Please can you remind me what the guidelines are for dealing with this kind of mild illness ? I don't want to contact my surgery if possible as I am due my annual diabetic check on the 16th and particularly want to see the senior nurse with whom I'm booked to see.

Advice please.
Hi Faith sorry to hear your poorly I think plenty of fluids and bed rest was what i was told.

Good luck with your annual check up i have mine on the 10th
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I hope you feel better soon. Have plenty of fluids, paracetemol will help bring down the temperature, but if you want something to help relieve the other symptoms the pharamcist will be able to help, or NHS direct will give you advice over the phone.
Thank you all for your messages.

I got in touch with NHS Direct who, understandably, referred me to my Dr. I spoke to the Health Care Assistant who took my bloods on Monday (so she remembered me) and she got the duty Dr to ring me back. She said the blood tests on Monday showed more white platelets (?) than usual which probably meant I was fighting off an infection. Take paracetamols, ask pharmacist if I need anything stronger and get in touch with the Dr again if it goes to a chest infection. Luckily they have a Saturday surgery so if I need to I can get there then or I will only have Sunday to wade through before I can get to a Dr for a prescrription.

I still feel really rough but have had a sleep and have eaten a poached egg on toast - not my favourite, but I couldn't taste it anyway so it didn't matter ! I've also had some fruit.
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