First annual check

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All,

Just to let you all know that I have now had my first check.

I was pleased that after worrying my care wasn't what it should be, I received the following:

1) hba1c test and thyroid test
2) Blood pressure test
3) Height and Weight - and being told I have lost a whopping 2 stone 6lb since June!!
4) Appointment requested for retinopathy check
5) Feet tested with both prick and tuning fork.
6) Review of my eating plan and exercise plan - including discussion and advice.
7) Agreement that i should attend Juggle course with partner

We also then had a long chat regarding testing as last time she said t2 shouldn't test or at least that is how i interpreted her.
However this time she said that i was closely monitoring sugar intake from my eating plan (which is true) and would know if sugars are too high from looking at that. Said she was concerned that people become obsessive with testing. As long as post meal is below 11 and fasting below 7 that would be fine and with my eating plan would expect me to be. She did however say if i ever felt that I did wonder if sugars high by how feeling and coudln't explain from eating plan - then could test and she wouldn't have a problem. She just didn't want me to test regularly as she felt no need.

She has prescribed diastix though and asked me to contact her if sugars are high on these, in which case she would repeat hba1c.

Get my hba1c in a few days and have to ring surgery who will give result. She says has to be below 7. if above 7 go on meds, but wouldn't expect me to be anywhere near this.

What is everyones view? I felt the relationship was much better than last time.

Advice to anyone going for first check if difficult relationship - Show you are in charge of how you are doing, and take a book with questions in it and write answers down in book as they speak - this stops you being fobbed off as answers recorded!!!
Hi Lucy thats brillaint news all good, can you ask if she can be rented out lol she sounds preety level headed, weird she prescribes diastix but still no sign of the test strips, but i guess its better then nothing.Hope you dont need to go on meds i assume you would rather stay d/e? x
Definitely would. Although I wouldn't see it as failing if I have to. The nurse was pretty confident though that my hba1c would be excellent - fingers crossed x
good to see you had a thorough appointment lucy and WOOOOW well done with wieght loss ..
the testing issue is interesting ...i feel that T2 need to test regulary at first so that they can work out the patterns. my DSN gave me my meter when i was first DX and told me to go away and play with it ....!
i had no problem getting strips but been told now i only need to test maybe 1-2 week my HbA1c has been a stable 6.4 for over a year now ...i said the i needed to try and work out how to stop the ole Dawn P and so they are happy to let me have strips and carry on testing for that ....Ive now got that down from 7.2 every morning to a steady 6.9 im not testing that so much now ... i think if you can show how you us them to educate yourself they are more open to giving strips ...good luck with the HbA1c x
Hi Lucy, good to hear that you have received a comprehensive review. I don't agree with Steffie (sorry Steffie!) about her being rented out, because I think whilst she may have been friendly and answered your questions, her advice is at least a decade out of date. If you followed her advice about testing (how would you know if you were above 7 fasting or 11 post-meal? - Diastix wouldn't tell you!) and you were hovering around those figures, then your HbA1c would almost definitely be above 7. I'm pretty sure it won't be, but her approach would not give you the information needed for the tighter control you'd need to get below 6.5%, which is what we all aim for. Does she have diabetes? Does she know what it feels like to be 11 or 12 or 4 or 6? Even I don't know most of the time until I test, and I certainly wouldn't know by using diastix unless I was way above 10.

So, good that she knows you are serious, bad that she is penny-pinching and reiterating this nonsense about being obsessed - she can see from you records that you are testing for a purpose and acting appropriately, how can that be obsessive? Grr!
Hi Lucy, I am glad you have had a comprehensive review and well done on your fantastic weight loss :D x
Thanks all. Cazcot well done you too and Steffie.

Can I just check - is the nurse correct in that only if hba1c above 7 i need to go on meds. I see lots of posts on here where hba1c much lower yet they are on meds of some sort?
Lucy, 7 or above is what my nurse told me regarding the meds.
Well done on that weight loss 🙂
Thanks for posting Lucy. I've had various checks recently (retinopathy screening today) but still waiting for appointment for Diabetic Nurse. The vibe I'm getting from the forum and other stuff I've been reading is how important it is to take charge of my own care, I need to be a bit more bold 🙄

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