First Aid Course

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The workplace first aid course run by the RYA has a section about treating a severe episode of low blood sugar for a diabetic. It said that applying Jam up the persons bum is the best treatment because it avoids the risk of choking.

Surely this can’t be true. Has anyone else heard this method of treatment?
No :rofl: The advice is to phone 999 if the person is unconscious, not stick fruit spreads up their bum! In an emergency, I’ve seen advice such as rubbing honey in their cheek, but that’s their actual cheek not their backside!
No :rofl: The advice is to phone 999 if the person is unconscious, not stick fruit spreads up their bum! In an emergency, I’ve seen advice such as rubbing honey in their cheek, but that’s their actual cheek not their backside!
That’s what I thought but the advice was definitely up the bum. This was in addition to calling 999.
Sorry, but I've just broken myself by laughing so much.
I have images of paramedics applying Hartley's Jam enemas to patients with low blood sugar.

Although I have just read that medicines inserted that way can enter the bloodstream faster (And in greater concentration) than oral medicines.
And how exactly did they suggest you apply the jam into that orifice....with a knife or spoon. 😱 Someone is having a laugh (I hope) because you could do serious damage poking anything up there and I very much doubt it would be particularly quickly absorbed and therefore not very effective. Honey rubbed inside the mouth is the thing most often suggested.
The workplace first aid course run by the RYA has a section about treating a severe episode of low blood sugar for a diabetic. It said that applying Jam up the persons bum is the best treatment because it avoids the risk of choking.

Surely this can’t be true. Has anyone else heard this method of treatment?
The French are rather keen on meds, via suppository.

I found this, just for interest.
Plus the mouth is a lot closer to the brain for the glucose to get where it is needed.
Plus the mouth is a lot closer to the brain for the glucose to get where it is needed.
Yes, but it goes down into the digestive system for extraction first. How could the bum hole process jam?
This made me laugh so much thought of my work mates all carrying a wee syringe o jam in their pockets just incase they need to pull down my knicks and physically asault me with it , cant really believe thats what it says ..
Yes, but it goes down into the digestive system for extraction first. How could the bum hole process jam?
The glucose absorbs through the cells inside the mouth straight into the blood stream. It doesn't need to go down the digestive tract to be absorbed, in much the same way as putting it in the other end absorbs it into the blood stream. It doesn't and can't go down or up the digestive tract from there can it and is just absorbed into the blood stream through the rectal wall cells..... but as I said, the mouth is a lot closer to the brain than your backside, plus I imagine there may be some other material in there partially coating the walls and restricting the absorption. o_O Maybe if you do a colonic irrigation first!
This assumes that you've got a pot of jam handy, did they say how much jam you should administer? It's bad enough passing out due to a hypo without coming round with a load of strawberry jam up your bum and no idea who did it. But it's true that you wouldn't choke.
The glucose absorbs through the cells inside the mouth straight into the blood stream. It doesn't need to go down the digestive tract to be absorbed, in much the same way as putting it in the other end absorbs it into the blood stream. It doesn't and can't go down or up the digestive tract from there can it and is just absorbed into the blood stream through the rectal wall cells..... but as I said, the mouth is a lot closer to the brain than your backside, plus I imagine there may be some other material in there partially coating the walls and restricting the absorption. o_O Maybe if you do a colonic irrigation first!
On the other hand whenever somebody does something stupid they were accused of having their brains in their bum, so their brain may get the glucose pretty quickly.
I think the conventional route would be worlds better, what planet was the First Aid trainer on. Thank god I wasn't told that.
One advantage is that the poor soul having to do this doesn't get bitten.
On the other hand whenever somebody does something stupid they were accused of having their brains in their bum, so their brain may get the glucose pretty quickly.
I think the conventional route would be worlds better, what planet was the First Aid trainer on. Thank god I wasn't told that.

Or talking out of there a**e! So actually the bum might be closer to the mouth on occasion :confused:
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On a side note, having a hypo is actually a defense in murder cases...
'M'lord, the accused was having lemon curd put up their fundament and took exception to this....'

Also, from a practical note, surely a jelly baby would be easier than jam. Unless one used a turkey baster
Assuming that your First Aid course was not held on 1st April, isn't this where an injection of glucagon would be more appropriate?
Alternatively, my preference would be for Frank Cooper's Oxford marmalade, but administered orally...

I am reminded of the olde Latin joke about an English public school, where the headmaster sent out a letter to all parents, informing them of a fee increase "to £10k per anum" [sic].
One exasperated parent replied that if it was all right with the headmaster, he would prefer to pay through the nose, as usual...
Also, from a practical note, surely a jelly baby would be easier than jam. Unless one used a turkey baster
Maybe, as long as it's a fresh one, although you would probably need 3 or 4 when the sugar's that low.
On a side note, having a hypo is actually a defense in murder cases...
'M'lord, the accused was having lemon curd put up their fundament and took exception to this....'

Also, from a practical note, surely a jelly baby would be easier than jam. Unless one used a turkey baster

You can’t do that to jelly babies! The indignity, poor things!
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