First 3 month review after T2D Diganoses

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Fantastic news! Huge "WELL DONE" to you!!
You have every right to be very proud of yourself and I hope your doctor was suitable impressed and encouraging.

How are you finding the changes you have made? Hopefully you have found things you enjoy to help make your new lifestyle sustainable.
Best of luck maintaining that excellent success.
Well done!!! Keep up the excellent work 🙂 x
Congratulations, that's fantastic. I have my first follow up blood test next Friday. I was diagnosed in August with 53 mmol, no medication. Actually getting very nervous now that I wont have a good result. I have lost 23 pounds as of last Saturday (joined weight watchers) but at the same time have been abroad 4 times since then, holidays and work so have not been as good as I should have been with regards to carbs. I have however lost every single week at WW, (not including the weeks I missed as I was away). I was really hoping to hit 2 stone but unless I lose 3 this week and 2 next that is now looking doubtful. Still have another 3 stone to go after that. Definitely feel alot better than I did though and it was only by chance I even had a blood test but thank goodness I did.
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