Finnish researcher concludes that low-carbohydrate diets increase risk of diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A researcher at the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) has concluded that people who consume low levels of carbohydrates have a higher risk than others of coming down with type-2 diabetes.
Minna Simil?, whose doctoral thesis on the subject was reviewed at the University of Helsinki on Friday, studied the impact of the glycaemic index (GI) on diabetes. The study involved data from 26,000 middle-aged men.
The GI indicates how quickly carbohydrates raise blood sugar levels.
gggrrrr grumble i wish that there was one simple diet that works to combact diabetes and or weight as what works for one does not mean that it will work for another i always thought that low carbs/no carbs was the way to go
I think they'll also find that people who consume large quantities of carbohydrate are also at risk .... well I was!! I am utterly and completely skeptical about these 'findings' ... 🙄

"Those eating food low in carbohydrates were found to be more likely to come down with type-2 diabetes, and those eating more carbohydrates and less fat and protein had a lower risk of getting the disease".

I think the highlighted bit is far more applicable?

Andy 🙂
Perhaps it points to a healthy balance in healthy quantities, as per the standard advice for some time. Unless you've already been diagnosed, in which case it all goes out of the window.🙄

For anyone who wants to read the whole report, all 77 pages of it😉
I will admit to having a few glazed eyes moments.
I think what comes across is that moderation in all things is the answer to a healthy life. I also think that there are other things that are a precursor to a diagnosis of Type 2. that have not been mentioned.

I also think that once diagnosed, people have to find something that works for them and not follow the herd.
There are things that some Type 2's can eat that others cannot, it is individual management that is the key to success. IMHO.
plus I haven't a clue, perchance Finns (Fins?) - Finnish people LOL - have a greater genetic tendency towards diabetes anyway?

PS How far is Finland away from Chernobyl ?
plus I haven't a clue, perchance Finns (Fins?) - Finnish people LOL - have a greater genetic tendency towards diabetes anyway?

PS How far is Finland away from Chernobyl ?

The Finns have the highest incidence of Type 1 in Europe I believe (if not the world) - it's thought to be related to the amount/lack of sunshine they get and vitamin D.
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