Finish the sentence

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So I was diagnosed T1d 3 weeks ago now. Trying to explain the condition to friends and family has proved very frustrating as I'm sure many of you will understand. The ignorance surrounding T1d is astounding - even from some medical professional! One of the many things is people assuming it's similar to T2D. I have been explaining the medical differences but want a more snappy explanation as I'm getting bored of the long winded approach. So can anyone think of a suitable way to finish this sentence to help quickly explain how different the two are?

Comparing T1d to T2D is like comparing.........

Looking forward to hearing your ideas!
Quite simply Type1 is autoimmune, and type 2 is not, so treatment is by injecting insulin to match food intake which your pancreas can no longer do.
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