Finger pricking

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Just started doing finger pricking to check my blood sugar levels. Quick question, do you test 2 hours after you start eating or 2 hours after you finish eating?
@Daffers...can i add my usual suggestion that you just write all the numbers down (time, what you ate, blood glucose before and after) for at least a week before you start trying to interpret the results. You need to look for trends and things that happen consistently. Reacting well to single readings is not easy, and, in my opinion, not sensible.

Do you have one meal that is fairly consistent? Breakfast is a good candidate if you have the same thing at around the same time most mornings. There you might take a waking reading and use that as your pre meal reading. After a few days you will get a pretty good idea of the effect of breakfast. You can then move on from there. Maybe changing what you eat if levels do not come down after a couple of hours, or, if all seems OK, start with another meal.

Taking things slowly and methodically is to my mind the best way.
Thanks Docb for your reply. I’ve been testing morning, lunch and evening to see how different foods affect my numbers. I have found when I eat porridge or seeded bread my numbers are over 9 after two hours.
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