Finger-pricking - stupid question!

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
OK, I know there are no stupid questions, but you might think differently...

I only use the little fingers and the 'ring' fingers for fingerprick tests, yet I often feel soreness in the other fingers - almost as if they are hurting 'in sympathy'! Does anyone else get this?:confused:
Hi Northerener,

Never had that happen to me. had a few other funny finger pricking related incidents.

Sometimes when I test on a finger I've used before and I give it a squeeze the blood comes out of an old hole!

And sometimes I've had what I can only be described as a 'pop' where the finger shoots the blood out like a champagne cork! Only ever happened twice, but it is weird.

Anyone have more strange finger pricking stories?

I sometimes try to test on my right hand and fail. I am right handed and test on my left hand.

I try to change fingers on a regular basis, but get best reults from little finger.
OK, I know there are no stupid questions, but you might think differently...

I only use the little fingers and the 'ring' fingers for fingerprick tests, yet I often feel soreness in the other fingers - almost as if they are hurting 'in sympathy'! Does anyone else get this?:confused:

Sorry I haven't had that problem. What kind of setting are you using on your finger pricker?

I only ask as mine is adjustable and I use the lowest 1.5 setting I can (out of 1 -5.5) and wash my hands in very warm water first.

Perhaps your setting is too deep?
Hi Northerner

Yes! When I used to use my fingers I had this problem, the other fingers would get too sore, so I only used the same fingers as you.

You are not alone!
One other thing Northerner - you can use your ear lobes.
could it be that you are doing the squeezing with those other fingers?

That's an interesting point Nikki. Although the soreness is more like I had pricked the fingers - perhaps it's a residual thing from when I used to use those fingers in the early days, and they never quite got used to it like the 'current' fingers I use. Maybe I just notice it around the same time as I'm pricking because I'm more aware of all my fingers?

I use a setting of 2.5 on my multiclix, tez. Any less and no blood, any more and very painful!

Never had the spurting thing, but have had the collander effect more than once - rather annoying, as you feel you could have saved your self a fingerprick if the bllod's going to come out of a hole that's there already!😱🙄
Hi Northerner,

Nathan only uses his little fingers as well..He says he does'nt want his other fingers to get sore....will restrict him on the has'nt said other fingers hurt though.

Hi Heidi,

Finger pricking makes him worse at Xbox LOL! 🙂

It can also be sore to play guitar afterwards as well!!

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