Finger prick result 'weirdness'

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Ok so I'm a t2 and 7 months into this but have been advised to finger pick test before and after meals.
So heres the thing for the last few months my results settled right down 6.5 ish before and 7-8 2hours after but the last 2 weeks or so my morning one has been 7-8 before and upto 11 after (still having exactly the same breakfast and exercise)) then by lunch (4.5hours later) its down to 4-5 then climbs to 6 ish. But by tea (again 4-5 hours later) its back upto 7-8 before and 9-11 after, the wiredest thing is my daily routine/exercise HAS NOT changed nor has what I eat and nor has my meds.(see my signature)
Now I know thats a wide range but it really effects my moods depressive and vague when low but dizzy (suspected vestibular neuropathy )and sleepy when high.
So anyone got any ideas what could be going on? I know your not docs( mines useless and not even seen her not even on diagnosis. Just the nurse)but you have the experience.

Many people find they have to realter their diet throughout the journey but as the factors you have listed aren't the only things that can effect BG nobody can even begin to try and give a straight answer, change of season, coming down with something, the list really is endless I'm afraid xx
There is more that effects blood sugars than what you eat and exercise. Things like changing season, stress, coming down with a cold etc all affect your levels too. If there’s nothing specific and temporary affecting your blood sugars like that, then you might need to change either your diet, exercise, or medication.
True its mainly the large drop during the morning that mostly bothers me as getting vague and depressive around power tools is not a good idea at the best of times.
So maybe a mid morn snack might help, but that raises the question of what as I'm out and about with no fridge to store stuff or it could spike me high. Ugh this diabetes is a right pita.(not the bread type).
True its mainly the large drop during the morning that mostly bothers me as getting vague and depressive around power tools is not a good idea at the best of times.
So maybe a mid morn snack might help, but that raises the question of what as I'm out and about with no fridge to store stuff or it could spike me high. Ugh this diabetes is a right pita.(not the bread type).
A blood sugar of 4-5 isn’t low and might only be making you feel off because of previous higher blood sugars. If you need to increase your blood sugar from 4-5 I’d go for something small like a biscuit, small piece of fruit, which wouldn’t need to be refrigerated. Ideally you’d not treat it so that your body can get used to feeling okay at 5, but you have to balance that with safety and feeling okay enough to do your job.
Ah diabetes is a tricksy one! Just when you’ve got settled into a rhythm, off go the goalposts chasing over the horizon and you have to work it all out again.

I’m not sure exactly what’s going on, but I have noticed that sometimes my liver action (Dawn Phenomenon / Feet Hit The Floor) is more pronounced than at other times. Metformin works in the background to limit this to some extent, but isn’t normally considered to be a med that directly reduces BG (more that it helps stop it going up).

Perhaps your body is reacting rather late to the rising BGs and then slightly overdoing it (some people find their first phase insulin response gets impaired, and then the second phase arrives and pushes things a bit too far in the other direction.

You could try rethinking your breakfast slightly, to see of you can limit the rise, which may in turn reduce the drop?

But don’t be surprised if it all changes again once you have a new system working 🙄 😛
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