Finding things very difficult.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I have been coping quite well and losing weight, working etc. however over the last week a sense of losing control and panic has consumed me. I thought i was having panic attacks and getting worse very quickly. Things were really bad yesterday and I felt like i was going insaine and would have to check myself in. Went to the docotors and he said that he feels that i am having hypos and not treating them. he also feels i may have a virus etc. I have got stress on at the moment but just wasnt coping very well. Has this happened to anyone else?😡
The symptoms of a panic attack and a hypo are similar. Quite a few people here get hypos and panic attacks.

Have you been given any advice on treating a hypo? If not most people here seem to find two or three jelly babies followed by a digestive biscuit or some bread and butter usefull, but you can treat with anything sugary followed by some carbohydrate. Chocolate and toffees taste nice, but because of the fat they contain slow down the absorption of sugar.

Not sure on best way to deal with feelings of panic but someone will be along soon and help.
Hi Harry,

Sorry to hear you're struggling. Firstly, here's some hugs: (((((())))))

I've suffered from panic attacks in the past - nasty, nasty things. Here are some things I found helped me:

1) Find someplace quiet, away from people, to calm down. I found people asking me if I was okay and trying to help just made me feel worse.

2) Sit with your head between your legs. This always calms me down because this is the position I assume when I'm feeling sick, and it comforts me.

3) Use Rescue Remedy - you can get it in most pharmacies, either in the form of drops or a spray, which you apply to the underside of your tongue.

4) Have a paper bag in your pocket with you everywhere you go, in case a panic attacks catches you unawares. Breathing into a paper bag really does help to slow down your breathing.

Hope this helps a bit, and that you get a break from the panic attacks soon.
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