Finding out cost of meds?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Anyone know of how I can find out the cost of the meds Im on. Just being nosy as I was told other day that the insulin I picked up costs ?40 Im on about eight prescriptions a week plus there's the test strips etc. Never thought I would say this thank goodness Im diabetic and dont have to pay for mine
hi gail

i'm type 2 but diet only, and cannot get my test strips or lancets on prescription i pay ?23.60 for my test strips, usually a box of 50 a month and ?10 for 200 lancets. i'm not on insulin as yet so i cannot tell you about that

I think think the prices quoted in BNF is the cost to the NHS. If you buy stuff over the counter or get it on private prescription it may cost more.
eek have just used bnf site and it costs over ?200 😱 a month for my meds and thats not counting insulin/sharps bins/lancets etc. The most expensive one are my mental health ones. As due to past things Im only allowed a weeks worth in Medi wallet its a good job I dont have to pay prescription charges either I would end up paying around ?64 a week😱 Thank goodness i have an understanding gp whos always listened to me regarding what meds im on and if i want to try something different or a different form of the med. It makes my blood boil when on here I read of people who have issues around getting diabetic items out of their gp , this is basic care and should not be rationed in this way😡
take care
Thanks for the link, I see Levemir is ?42 for 5 pens (or the cartridges)
Like you Gail i have sometimes wondered how much it all costs.

I perhaps take for granted that i don't have to pay for my prescriptions. My test strips though have given me grief recently with my surgery and not the first time i have to say!

To be honest i don't care how many strips I order, as far as i see it its one of the most important ways of managing diabetes. I work full time as it is and feel indirectly i pay for them through my National Insurance! If i didn't work i would still feel it an important thing in anycase and if you want to prick away so you should its not by choice being diabetic.

Sorry i am going off on one again and not answered your question. I shall check out the link and see how much it all costs, that'll shut me up 🙂

Bernie x
Pleasantly surprised to discover that 5 x 3ml cartridges of Humalin I (long acting insulin) costs ?26.71, much less than Levemir.
Thanks for the link brightontez my Glucophage SR costs ?6.40 per 56 whereas the normal metformin only costs ?1.56 no wonder the nurse didnt want to put me on the Glucophage SR...
I have just added up mine as to how many boxes I get if I re-ordered everything off my prescription in one go and my total comes to ?855.27 😱😱 thank god I don't have to pay..!!!!
I went to the search bar top right hand corner, and put in the name of the medicine and then chose it from the list...
so if i were to put in a full repeat prescription now, i would cost ?177.36. hmph. of course that doesn't really work out like that, because i order boxes of insulin every couple of months or so, whereas my test strips i get every couple of weeks, but still!
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