Finally got funding for a pump!!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Had an email from my DN today and my PCT has approved funding for an insulin pump!! Im so excited (as well as a little scared!!).

Next part in apparently choosing the right one, does anyone have any advice? i like the look and feel of the animas 2020 and it seems really easy to use, but it doesnt have a remote so im now wondering if always having to have it accessible will be a drawback?

Id really love to hear other people's experiences on going through the whole process of switching from jabs to the pump!

congratulations thats great!! Do you know how long until you can get hooked up?

I don't have a pump so can't offer advice there, but there are several members with pumps.
i didnt get choice lol my specialist chose it for me the accu-chek spirit ,and it works for me good luck
Congratulations!!! I feel so happy for you, because since having a pump, I feel things are so much better for me. It did not take me long to adjust, because of course you'll be getting support every step of the way. It will make so much difference to your life, in fact, the thought of NOT having my pump now feels me with dread. At first the thought of having a cannula in me all of the time made me very apprehensive. Now I think so differently, and thank everyone concerned that I have a pump, and the fact that I have the cannula attached, does not make any difference now to me. My thoughts are that my life is better, so much, that even if I have to have the cannula- so what- no problem. Good luck, and I wish you the very best!!!🙂
That is great news i am so pleased for you i have been type one diabetic since i was 16 and i am now considering applying to get a pump for a better and more convenient lifestyle. Let me know how you get on
hi! congratulations! your life will change! i've been on mine for about 2 months now and my bg is lower than ever (in the best way) i used to be 20's and 30's before now i'm 7's most of the time.

my DSN didnt like the sound of the animas as when she was testing it, she found that she got lots of bubbles all the time in the tubing etc which is really annoying and dangerous. the accu check spirt is brilliant and i dont find the lack of remote a problem- although i never had one so i cant miss what ive never had ha ha. it fits in my bra and people dont notice it xxx
Well done Viki

Hi Viki
Well done for getting the support, Its easy for me to say dont worry, we all do at some time or another. Im glad I went for a pump and i only have one word for it 'BRILL' never in my years of being diabetic have I had such good control. I feel like Im the one controlling m condition rather than the condition controlling me!

As regards Which pump only you can make that decision, I went for the paradigm 722, it has all be bells and whistles excellent support and back up.

The pump also has a remote which does help loads when your are out no thumbling in pockets and belt clips.

Ive been on mine since sept 2008.

Whatever your decision is im sure it will be right.

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Congratulations Viki!
There are so many positive posts on here from people with pumps. Please keep us informed and keep posting about your progress. It will be great to read of someone going through it step by step - we can all experience it with you.
Thank you!! and some more questions 🙂

Thank you for all of your messages, feeling really positive about the whole thing and impatient to get started!

My DN says she is going to send me lots of information on different pumps for me to choose from. Finding it hard not to pick for aesthetic reasons!! But some of them look like theyre out of the 70s and im a little swayed by the possibility of getting the animas 2020 in green! (probably not the best thing to base the decision on!)

Is the transition from injections to the pump difficult? did you have to take time off work?

Im so glad i found this site, my family are great but dont seem to grasp quite how big a deal this is in my eyes!! 🙂

Hi Viki,
Glad to hear you will be pumping soon.
I have a Cozmo and love it to bits. It has more features than the animas and is easier to use so I have been told. The back up is also fab.
Changing from MDI to pump was no problem for me. I just connected my pump at 7.30 AM when I would normally have had my Isophane and away I went. I didn't miss my injections one bit :D
Make sure you buy Pumping insulin by John Walsh it will be the best buy you will ever make.
The latest Balance magazine had a supplement with an overview of the currently available pumps in the UK. You might be able to download a copy from their website.

The one that looked the best to me was the Medtronic Paradigm Real-Time 522 as it also gives real time glucose readings.
The latest Balance magazine had a supplement with an overview of the currently available pumps in the UK. You might be able to download a copy from their website.

The one that looked the best to me was the Medtronic Paradigm Real-Time 522 as it also gives real time glucose readings.

It's also got a cracking name!:D
The one that looked the best to me was the Medtronic Paradigm Real-Time 522 as it also gives real time glucose readings.

you will only get the real time glucose readings if you get the CGMS componant, Which is very unlikely to be NHS funded so you would have to pay for those comsumables yourself.

I want a pump!
you will only get the real time glucose readings if you get the CGMS componant, Which is very unlikely to be NHS funded so you would have to pay for those comsumables yourself.

Worth every (pretty) penny!
The one that looked the best to me was the Medtronic Paradigm Real-Time 522 as it also gives real time glucose readings.

Slight problem here as NHS does not fund the sensors and they are expensive.
Had an email from my DN today and my PCT has approved funding for an insulin pump!! Im so excited (as well as a little scared!!).

Next part in apparently choosing the right one, does anyone have any advice? i like the look and feel of the animas 2020 and it seems really easy to use, but it doesnt have a remote so im now wondering if always having to have it accessible will be a drawback?

Id really love to hear other people's experiences on going through the whole process of switching from jabs to the pump!

Hiya Viki Congratulations to you, I too have been funded to have a pump and I have my fitted Feb 13th. I've also gone for the Animas pump (Pink) One Touch Ping. I just hope I'm doing the right thing and all will go smoothly for you and me, I'm sure it will. When do you have your's fitted?
Hiya Viki Congratulations to you, I too have been funded to have a pump and I have my fitted Feb 13th. I've also gone for the Animas pump (Pink) One Touch Ping. I just hope I'm doing the right thing and all will go smoothly for you and me, I'm sure it will. When do you have your's fitted?

I think you might be disapointed as the ping is not available in the UK yet.
Do you mean the animas 2020 pump?
Good luck with whatever you are having though.
Twenty MORE questions!!

I have no idea when im getting fitted, still waiting for the info to come through the post then i have to re contact my hosp!

Think im going to get the animas 2020 (in green so it matches my monitor!!). The more i look at the different types the more i think its the one for me. Im not really worried about hiding it do i may aswell get the other way and get one i love the look of. I also like the fact its small, light and waterproof.

How long did it take people to get up and running once the decision was made?

Noreen when did you get the thumbs up and did you choose feb 13th?

Did people need time of work or can you fit round it?

So much to think about!!!!! :confused:😛
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