finally found out about the headaches

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Guys

Just thought i would let you know what is causing the headaches i have been suffering.

it started mildly and steadily got worse, i was scared especially as i am epileptic and type 2 diabetic, but in the end it was neither of these causing it

I have discovered that it is now Rhematoid Arthritis.

so now i have 3 conditions, oh well they say it comes in threes.

thanks for listening

oh angie bless you sweetie but they do say things come in 3's xxx good luck hunny xx
Hi Angie

I am so sorry you have this as well. I hope they can do something for you to make it not so painful.

I did know that diabetes can go hand in hand with RA but I only heard about type 1's not type 2's.

Take care

Sorry to hear about that Angie.

At least you know the answer and you can get some treatment for it.

Hope your pain goes away soon.
i am really sorry i have a frinds whos been diagnosed with epilepsy i could not believe eas she was telling me it must be horrible
the rhematoid arthritis is affecting my hands and feet and when the headaches come i get them mostly in the base of my head.

the epilepsy i cannot control at the moment because the specialist is waiting for me to have an EEG before she will give me medication, this is to hopefully find out what type of epilepsy i have before she prescribes me

the only thing under control at the moment is the diabetes the levels are all fine at the mement.

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