Finally done it!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Woo hoo, after 2.5 years of procrastination we have finally upgraded daughter’s pump to Control IQ, so it will now adjust automatically for high blood sugar as well as low! I’m always anxious about doing this sort of stuff, and insisted that we do it on a week day so that we can phone for help if necessary. I thought I was being a bit neurotic, but it turns out rightly so, as they had given us the wrong upgrade code due to having the wrong pump serial number listed for us! Once we had the correct code it all ran smoothly, sensor was restarted and then we went out for a couple of hours. Came back, were slightly concerned that blood sugars were sitting at 13.9 and the pump didn’t seem to be doing anything about it, then discovered that we have to turn the Control IQ on, oops...

Since then it’s been interesting, looking at the 24 hour track it’s been a bit erratic today and too much time over 14, since we actually switched Control IQ on it’s been much calmer and stayed in the grey area. Early days I know, DSN said it might be a bit weird for the first week or two while it learns how daughter’s body works. We’ve got an appointment to see DSN next Friday. I had stopped checking BG on my phone quite as much but I shall be fascinated for the next few days!
Awesome! I'm pretty jealous, I'd love a pump but I got diagnosed at 30 and so won't give me one unless my numbers become too uncontrolled. I did just get approved for a Dexcom though.
Glad to hear it's (tentatively) going well @Sally71. Keep us posted. All this hands-free stuff is very interesting and exciting.

Have you asked for a pump @workaway32? I was dx at 41 and was able to convince my dr to give me a pump. If you want one, keep on nagging away at them!
Well I’m impressed so far, picture shows overnight levels last night - I’d say that's working!! Obviously can’t expect it to do anywhere near that well in the daytime, when she's moving around and eating, but we're only 3 nights in and it's made an excellent start! Then shortly after this it nosedived and we had no sensor data, I thought the sensor had fallen off but I think she just lay on it, it's back now. Phew! Fingers crossed it will continue to work well 🙂


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