Fidget eating - Suggestions

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Ok one of my downfalls is fidget eating, when working on the PC say doing data entry I can find myself, eating 4 apples and 2 bags of crips plus lunch in a half-hour period.

In the past I have tried eating sunflower seeds but was wondering what other people do to stop fidget eating.

Thanks in advance
To be honest, the only way I have found to avoid fidget eating is not to have the food in the house.
Ok one of my downfalls is fidget eating, when working on the PC say doing data entry I can find myself, eating 4 apples and 2 bags of crips plus lunch in a half-hour period.

In the past I have tried eating sunflower seeds but was wondering what other people do to stop fidget eating.

Thanks in advance
Coffee with double cream is my fasting crutch..
Satiating without triggering hunger pangs.
Have measured portions of low carb foods to hand if you really need the snacks. But eating a fulfilling meal with enough protein and healthy fats should mean you are not hungry in between meals.
It can just be a habit so having water or other zero carb drink there.
Make sure the snacks are counted in your personal carb allowance for the day and they are not extras.
One option is to take up a hobby like crochet or knitting (and go for a pattern that doesn't need much concentration to remember where you are), then when you take a 30 second pause from data entry adding a couple of stitches rather than reaching for a snack (keeps your fingers busy and discourages from risking getting food on the article you are making).

It sounds like you are eating your lunch at your desk then looking for other things to eat? So part of the solution might also be to take a proper lunch break, eat somewhere else away from your computer, and take your time to enjoy your meal so your stomach has more time to register that you have eaten (usually about 20 minutes). If you then find you are still feeling hungry in the afternoon, try a low carb snack with some fat e.g. nuts, as having a small amount of fat can help with satiety signals
Ok one of my downfalls is fidget eating, when working on the PC say doing data entry I can find myself, eating 4 apples and 2 bags of crips plus lunch in a half-hour period.

In the past I have tried eating sunflower seeds but was wondering what other people do to stop fidget eating.

Thanks in advance

Mostly it depends on whether or not you want to lose weight.
Swapping out snacks for fat doubles the calories, and if you spend your time sitting down, it won't help.
Sunflower seeds are very calorific as well.
Low carb may work if you eat until you are satiated, but not a lot of use if you simply eat for the sake of eating.

I changed my entire relationship with food, (now I can actually walk past the refrigerator).

I had to lose around 5 stone, with the help of the NHS dietician, I did a low fat diet for a year, and kept a strict food diary, so I could see the bad habits.
This mostly worked, but I then finished it will the 800 calorie shake based Newcastle Diet.
That was instrumental in breaking my bad food habits, I literally had a clean slate to start on again.

I won't say I don't snack now, but it tends to be healthy things like carrot sticks.
Thanks all for the replies.

If the "Bad" food isn't in the house, I find that I will find something even if it means pinching the daughter's sweets.

Im always hungry but when "stressed" or concentrating at a task I feel it beneficial to be eating something

We don't keep nuts in the house as our daughter is allergic.

Weight loss is a goal Im 19stone but should be 14 stone, I don't see myself as overweight when I look in the mirror, Its just me and what I look like, Its when I see my photos it hits home.

I find my willpower is non existent, I know what I should be doing but don't do it usually blaming my depression as a reason.

Im on a waiting list for a weight loss program but due to my numbers I would be surprised if I was accepted.

If there was a quick fix then we would all be doing it !

I find my willpower is non existent, I know what I should be doing but don't do it usually blaming my depression as a reason.

Be kind to yourself. Many aspects of our relationship to food can have a significant genetic root. Including satiety, hunger, the sorts of foods you are drawn to, and what your body does with the nutrients consumed.

Then, of course, you have the environmental and behavioural/habitual triggers that we can do something about, like being surrounded by a culture of frequent consumption opportunities, and so many readily available and palatable snacks.

Plus there’s the way our brains become stubbornly accustomed to things. It doesn’t take many repetitions of food at a particular time of day before the brain and body begins to pre-empt it with powerful and persistent hunger pangs.

It's not easy for sure!
If you find eating helps you to concentrate, have you tried chewing gum? If your body can handle sweeteners then sugar free chewing gum might help with that without adding much in the way of carbs or calories to your planned food intake
For me, carrots.
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