Fiasp pen effectiveness not lasting?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I've done a quick search and found a few posts from years back on this but thought I'd start a new one, in case things have changed. This is my first post, so I hope I've put it in the best place?

About 6 months ago I started using a Fiasp pen. Generally things are going well. My last HbA1c (this March) has reduced to 45mmol/mol which is the best I've yet had. I'm also using the FreeStyle Libre 1 sensors. Going to start FreeStyle 2 sensors when my current one runs out next week. Looking forward to the alarms.

My concern is what I'd say is a waste of insulin. The pens contain 250ml of insulin. With the small amount I take I'd think they'd last at least a couple of weeks, each pen. However, after about 5 days, when the pen still has between 150 to 200 left, my test results start going high. Occasionally up to 12. It's almost like I'd missed taking any insulin. I correct, but need to use huge amounts to get down below 8. Or exercise loads! A whole day will be like this. Yet, if I start a new Fiasp pen the glucose reduction is faster and less insulin is needed. I've doubled checked the readings with blood tests and they are very similar, if not exactly the same. Is this just a feature of Fiasp or am I doing something wrong?

The only thing I'm wondering is that these pends are delivered by a prescription delivery service boxed, insulated, with foam and ice packs. Are they getting too cold and that disrupts the long term effectiveness of the pens?

Any thoughts or questions appreciated. Thanks.
I keep up to 8 days worth of insulin in my pump and have no problems. The vials are kept in the fridge until 20 mins before a refill is needed.
Have you noticed this change in blood sugars since you changed to an online pharmacy? If so then you need to look at their storage and delivery practices.

Personally I would not use an online pharmacy to post out my insulin.
I keep up to 8 days worth of insulin in my pump and have no problems. The vials are kept in the fridge until 20 mins before a refill is needed.
Have you noticed this change in blood sugars since you changed to an online pharmacy? If so then you need to look at their storage and delivery practices.

Personally I would not use an online pharmacy to post out my insulin.
Thanks. Yeah, it certainly seems to have got worse since exchanging to the online delivery. I think I'm going to contact them and see if they deliver insulin to others.
My nova rapid is far less effective today after only 3 weeks . Changed it now so hopefully will be more effective tomorrow
Another suggestion is to actually check your own fridge to make sure it's working ok.
One of the pumpers was having problems with his insulin as well and it worked out to be a faulty home fridge.
Thinking a bit more on the subject I seem to remember something about Fiasp liking to be kept in the fridge and out of the light, so different options to explore.

Ooh and welcome to the forum 🙂
I was using Fiasp in my pump which worked well but I stopped using the pump but continued with the Fiasp pen but it never worked as well as using in the pump, back on nova rapid and all is working fine now
I Use Fiasp in my pump.
I take a vial out of the fridge when my last one is emptied and keep it out of the fridge as using it straight of the fridge causes bubbles and I need to carry the vial with me when I am out in case my pump fails.
i have no problems with it being out of the fridge for 12 days.
I get my Fiasp delivered by Echo in their refrigerated packing along with my other stuff. Haven’t noticed the slightest difference. They do take good care not to have the ice in contact with the pen packages.

I don’t like the pens, because I can’t inject in the dark. With my old Humalog, and still with Levemir, I can count the clicks. You can’t with Fiasp, because it’s winding up the spring that delivers the dose, and doesn’t “click”.
I was on Novorapid for almost 3 years, but found it was no longer particularly rapid for me, especially on days when I am very busy. Post prandial spikes appearing even when injecting 30+ minutes before breakfast and 15 minutes before lunch. My DSN and consultant suggested a swap to Fiasp back in November. I found it much quicker acting and I didn't have spikes or the sting in the tail a couple of hours after injecting that some people have reported.

However, I have found with the last two pens though that towards the end of their lifespan they don't have the same impact.
I get my Fiasp delivered by Echo in their refrigerated packing along with my other stuff. Haven’t noticed the slightest difference. They do take good care not to have the ice in contact with the pen packages.

I don’t like the pens, because I can’t inject in the dark. With my old Humalog, and still with Levemir, I can count the clicks. You can’t with Fiasp, because it’s winding up the spring that delivers the dose, and doesn’t “click”.
Maybe it's a different kind of pen I have, as mine clicks each time I turn the dial when selecting how much insulin I want delivered?
Another suggestion is to actually check your own fridge to make sure it's working ok.
One of the pumpers was having problems with his insulin as well and it worked out to be a faulty home fridge.
Thinking a bit more on the subject I seem to remember something about Fiasp liking to be kept in the fridge and out of the light, so different options to explore.

Ooh and welcome to the forum 🙂
Thanks for the suggestions. Checked the fridge. Seems okay.
If Fiasp likes to be kept in the fridge, to me, that seems crazy and not fit for purpose. Stored initially yes, but surely not in day to day use? It's kept out light by being in a case I keep it in.

Appreciate the welcome to the forum
However, I have found with the last two pens though that towards the end of their lifespan they don't have the same impact.
Glad it's not just me then, but beyond starting a new pen not sure what the options are?
If Fiasp likes to be kept in the fridge, to me, that seems crazy and not fit for purpose. Stored initially yes, but surely not in day to day use? It's kept out light by being in a case I keep it in.

Appreciate the welcome to the forum

Generally ‘in use’ pens are kept out of the fridge for up to 28 days.

Most pump users keep their in use vial out of the fridge to ensure it is up to room temperature before filling their reservoir (helps to prevent bubbles).

Can’t help with the Fiasp-losing-effectiveness query, as Fiasp must lost effectiveness for me wholesale after a few weeks. I seemed to react to whatever they added to Novorapid to make it faster acting, and for me the initial rapidity wore off, and the insulin became pretty unreliable.

I’m glad it works well for others, but I was glad to switch back to NotVeryRapid which continues to work well, if rather sluggishly for me.
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