

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
With so many social events coming up at this time of year, as well as the big day itself, what sort of 'treats' do you all go to? Those on low-carb diets, do you 'push the boat out' or are you able to stay focused? For me, Christmas isn't just 'one day', and with so many plans coming up, I wondered what I can do it still feel a part of the 'fun', without feeling like I'm missing out!?
With so many social events coming up at this time of year, as well as the big day itself, what sort of 'treats' do you all go to? Those on low-carb diets, do you 'push the boat out' or are you able to stay focused? For me, Christmas isn't just 'one day', and with so many plans coming up, I wondered what I can do it still feel a part of the 'fun', without feeling like I'm missing out!?
I err on the side of caution, I don't want any nasty New Year diabetic surprises. I keep an eye on the carb content, ignore Xmas cakes , roast potatoes etc. I don't feel like I am missing out. Going out for Xmas meals, grilled food with a side salad. So many friends are on all sorts of diets etc, so my choices are really no different to theirs.

Treats? During 2023 I have occasionally ate those higher carb foods I believed I was missing . Tbh they were all disappointing. My palate has changed. I was surprised but hey ho.

Good luck luck with your choices .
The treats I allow myself are a little homemade Xmas Cake, minus the icing, and more extra dark chocolate than usual. I always loved a mince pie, especially the brandy ones, but they are scarily high in carbs. Not sure about Xmas Pudding (my wife makes them herself) but I suspect it's the same if not worse.
I have salmon instead of tuna, higher quality steak, a more varied fruit bowl and a no holds barred trifle of astonishing magnitude.
I am planning a Christmas cake, but I need to get a move on and decide just what is going to go in it. So far walnuts, ginger root and dried apricot bits and it should have blanched almonds but when I went to the shops last it looked as though they had been visited by one of the plagues of Egypt. I will have to travel to find what I want for it in the way of ordinary ingredients, but I have low carb options in the freezer for when I can find the things to make them more like Christmas.
I decided to buy a panettone this afternoon - we already have stollen and Aldi's is good; reliably seeing marzipan in every slice but there's my problem with it, I'm really not very fond of marzipan! So, fiddlesticks, I'd like what me mother would have called a light fruitcake (contradiction in terms when she made one) - I'm buying a panettone. (9% candied orange peel, good!)

Also got quite a decent sized bag of roast, salted pistachios and 2 bags of parsnip crisps with chilli & maple syrup, but hadn't got any of their normal root veg crisps this week. You just don't know when those flavours are involved whether it's a nice happy medium taste albeit with a slight kick in its tail - or either unbearably sweet or viciously chilli hot - so looking forward to re-acquainting myself with those pistachios since I used to get em from Waitrose 20+ years ago in my former existence, so seeing em today was a lovely surprise - and why I instantly told my current beloved, I'm having a bag of these!
I decided to buy a panettone this afternoon - we already have stollen and Aldi's is good; reliably seeing marzipan in every slice but there's my problem with it, I'm really not very fond of marzipan! So, fiddlesticks, I'd like what me mother would have called a light fruitcake (contradiction in terms when she made one - I'm buying a panettone
Also got quite a decent sized bag of roast, salted pistachios and 2 bags of parsnip crisps with chilli & maple syrup, but hadn't got any of their normal root veg crisps this week. You just don't know when those flavours are involved whether it's a nice happy medium taste albeit with a slight kick in its tail - or either unbearably sweet or viciously chilli hot - so looking forward to re-acquainting myself with those pistachios since I used to get em from Waitrose 20+ years ago in my former existence, so seeing em today was a lovely surprise - and why I instantly told current beloved, I'm having a bag of these!
And panettone makes an excellent bread and butter pudding.
Must look for the parsnip crisps they sound delicious.
2 new Aldi's just opened in Cov city centre.
So does brioche! esp spread with marmalade instead of using dried fruit.
At this time of year I often re-read this blog post by Jennifer (of Jennifer’s Advice), because it always chimes with the way my brain works, and I find it so wise. This is a small extract:

With the holidays coming up, give yourself permission to be human.There is a lot of great food that will be out there soon. Don't try to steel yourself against all of it. You most likely won't be able to, and then you'll have guilt on top of it.
Choose your times. And then enjoy a piece of cake. A dollop of mashed potato. That holiday cookie that only shows up once a year. Make it your CHOICE, not a moment of weakness that will haunt you. That way you'll be able to enjoy it so much more, AND not fall into the "well I messed up, might as well eat the plateful".
The other side is all the family you're likely to be around this season. Some may decide that they know what you should or shouldn't be eating. They'll announce loudly, "Sara can't have that, she has the diabetes". Exhausting. Or they'll push food on you "Oh come on, it's the holidays, you can have a taste". More exhausting.
Whatever you decide to eat or not eat, the most important thing is that YOU control it. If you choose to have some pumpkin pie, make it your conscious decision. Not a mindless "What the hell" or a forced "NO" through gritted teeth. You decide. Only you.

The whole post (with more detail) is here
should have blanched almonds
I needed blanched almonds for a recipe.. If you have a bit of spare time.. Normal almonds, soaked in boiling water, pop out of the skins once you've patted them dry and press them between your finger and thumb.