Felt Rubbish Yesterday

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I felt really carp most of yesterday. Although I have to get up early I usually wake before the alarm. Yesterday I was awoken by the alarm. If my blood sugar drops about 3.5 in the night I start to have really odd dreams before I wake. Yesterday I dreamt I was trying to get into my attic but that my house was like one of those 3-D drawings where you cannot tell which way the stairs and rooms are going/laid out. If I wake and feed the hypo I am fine afterwards. However if my blood sugar hovers around borderline I wake up with a muggy head and blood sugars rebounding upwards. Yesterday morning my blood sugar was 15.2. This came down as the day passed but my muggy head remained till around 6:00 in the evening. This was a relief as I was going to a small Christmas get-together. Despite having two mince pies with my vino this morning I was 6.3!

So being a good boy I had a morning blood sugar o15.2 and being a bad one 6.3. There must be a moral there somewhere?
Like this?

I feel your pain because that's exaclty how I feel today. I woke at about 3.5 and felt a bit shakey. about 3 hours after food i felt a bit funny so tested and was 19!! Really shouldnt be that high! So I feel poo and still have a headache.
How come there's so many of us suffering roller coaster numbers just now? Is it the weather?
Sorry you had a bad one Michael, maybe you need to bad more often!??

Hope you don't have a day like that for a wee while at least.

Katie sounds rubbish for you to, not good, hope it sorts itself out pronto (nearly wrote panto!!)

Alison Love that image had it up in my bedroom when I was a kid!!
I found if I have some porridge for breakfast my BG doesn't shoot up in the morning.

Something triggers the liver to stop chucking out glucose I think.
Isn't it just that porridge is lower in carbs than most cereals and a low GI food??
I feel like carp, too, but we're having prawns for tea instead...
Sorry, Falcon, I know that's not what you meant, but agree with your approach to life - wine and mince pies can cause better blood glucose readings than healthier food, as I found this weekend, too - wine as partner's father was visiting, and lots of mince pies, plus lamb & veg stew etc.
I think the dreams and bad head come from sleeping on the edge of a hypo. And then your liver kicks in and adds a 10 or more to your BG! Maybe I need to research the beer/wine/malt diet further?
I think the dreams and bad head come from sleeping on the edge of a hypo. And then your liver kicks in and adds a 10 or more to your BG! Maybe I need to research the beer/wine/malt diet further?

If you need a guinea pig for your research I'll dig out the costume!!😉
I've had a week of going hypo at about 3am. Have finally decided to reduce my lantus by a unit and see if it makes any difference - weird how we are all having an unstable time, maybe it's the weather or .......the excitement of Christmas?!!
Oh no! It has happened again today. Think I will try a mince pie and glass of red before bed again...
lol good idea michael. I woke up really high :( 17. Think it was a night time hypo?! I increased my lantus a bit so it's going back down again 🙄
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