Fell down the stairs..knee question.....

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
An hour ago i fell down the stairs second time this has happened but this time my knee is in agony, o/h had to lift me to bed im a big girl so he did a good job of it.So far it has had a cold compress on it and ive bathed it as much as i can with a bowl and a piece of kichen towel, it has been all colours of the rainbow and at the moment is ever so slightly swollen.I've ran out of any other ideas but do i need to do anything else or do i just leave my knee and see what happens..???

Ouch that sounded like it hurt...

It might just all bruising, but if it's painfull and you are finding difficult to bare weight pop down to your local small injury clinic or the A&E just to get it checked out, as you might have twiseted it slightly etc...

Forget to say, keep an eye on your BG's as it's they may raise a little..
Thanks Ellie and Northerner.I had forgotten RICE as well so that does help.At the minute its yellow lol..x
Sorry about this Steffie. :(

Keep us apprised of the colour changes. If you're on Yellow, then you still have Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet to go (I assume that you've already gone through the Red and Orange phases?).

Hopefully, it just needs rest and time, but get it seen to if things aren't going the way they should.

Andy 'full of heart' HB 🙂
ouch steffie u might need to keep ur leg elevated with 2 or 3 pillows for a while also take 2 paracetemol if u can for pain and 2 ibruphen fer the swelling if no joy tomorrow go to a& e and get it x-rayed

Tc steffie
I fell off the top of stairs a few year's ago, so I can imagine the pain....
I'd go to local Walk-In medical centre. Normally, you don't have to wait as long as you do at A&Es. Isn't there one in your area?
Hope the pain will go soon...
Hi Steffie I hope that you feel much better soon
I fell off the top of stairs a few year's ago, so I can imagine the pain....
I'd go to local Walk-In medical centre. Normally, you don't have to wait as long as you do at A&Es. Isn't there one in your area?
Hope the pain will go soon...

Or maybe the local Hop-In medical centre!

I hope it gets better soon and is just bruised.
Thank you everyone i managed to hobble downstairs to soup and a roll then back up stairs i think i can safely say ill be ok it has gone right down now and is red so plenty rest needed x
Hi hon, hope you knee is better soon, I get lots of problems with mine so know how sore it can be :(. Try and put a few pillows under it to support it tonight whilst sleeping, take care xxx
:( hope your knee is feeling better soon, if its worse tomorrow and you cant put weight on it, go down to your local a&e for an xray. hopefully you wont have to wait to long if you go early xx
Oh dear Steffie, take it easy hun and keep ya leg elevated!

Please go to A&E if your still in pain tomorrow, better safe than sorry.

Take care, lv Shirl x
Thank you girls, really im even walking on it now fingers crossed ill be ok xx
It might be worth considering some kind of knee support for a day or so too. I hope the pain goes soon.
Hi Steffie

Sorry to hear about your knee - hope it is a lot better today xxx
Thanks Lesley it is fine, had a good nights sleep and it did nto seem to bother me thank goodness x
Glad to see you had a good nights sleep Steffie 🙂 just try to take it easy today hun,

Take care, love an hugs, Shirl x
Thanks Lesley it is fine, had a good nights sleep and it did nto seem to bother me thank goodness x

I'm glad it's not so painful this morning 🙂 x
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