Feliz cumpleaños @Elenka_HM

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Happy birthday.Hope you have a lovely day.
And from me a warm, Welsh Pen-blwydd Hapus i ti...! Wishing you all the best and hoping you have a good day.
Happy NoCarbsCountToday Day @Elenka_HM

Hope you have a smashing time!
Happy birthday. Hope you have a magical day.
Happy birthday, hope you have had a lovely day.
Happy Birthday @Elenka_HM. Hope you've had a lovely day.
Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes! 🙂

I had a lovely day with a few friends, I invite them for a meal at my house (well, my parents'), it's become a little tradition. The one time a year I host and bake a cake! One of my friends is a vegan and I didn't find any cakes in the supermarkets around here so I used a simple online recipe a couple years ago and it worked for me, so I'm sticking to it. I added cocoa and walnuts this year to have some novelty :D

I didn't limit carbs at all, as @everydayupsanddowns remind us, they don't count on your birthday! 😛 But I'm proud to say I wasn't afraid to use Novorapid accordingly, in fact I went wild and added a correction too early after cake and then had to eat a hypo sweet because BG was jumping down a cliff.
Happy Birthday @Elenka_HM. Glad you had a good day. 🙂
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