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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
has anyone any good tips for getting rid or at least slowing the amount of dry skin on the bottom of my foot and by my big toe ? i know us diabetics have to look after our feet very carefully but im finding it very difficult to find a cure/remedy, so far i have tryed moisturiser and pumis stone .
Found E45 cream twice a day to be as good as anything else I've tried but it takes time. Find my feet get drier if my diabetes isn't well controlled too

Husband swears by CCS cream - available in Boots. He's not diabetic but has very dry and cracked heels. Doesn't do the trick for me though. Other one he's found helpful is Scholl cracked heel cream
hya vanessa thanks for that it is really annoying me at the moment last 3 or 4 days its has really got to me , uncomfy as well i just wanna give in and pick away at the skin :mad:

shall have a trip into town tomorrow before work and see if i can get some of that cream
E45 - we use it on Alex - he gets very dry skin on feet and face - its the only thing that works!:)Bev
excellent well thats what i'll get then

cheers ladies x
Yes, I use E45 for face - bought a big tub of it absolutely ages ago and it's still half full! You can buy small tubes though, if you're not sure if it will work for you and just want to try it first.
yeah good thinking northener i dont wanna go buying a huge tube of it and find it dont even work for me
cream, then socks in bed

One extra tip is to apply cream, E45 or similar to wet feet before bed, and wear socks to keep the cream on the feet and get maximum benefit (and keep sheets clean, too!)
has anyone any good tips for getting rid or at least slowing the amount of dry skin on the bottom of my foot and by my big toe ? i know us diabetics have to look after our feet very carefully but im finding it very difficult to find a cure/remedy, so far i have tryed moisturiser and pumis stone .

The best thing I've ever found is a peppermint foot lotion from Lush (think it's called fairtrade foot lotion) it's magic, within minutes of putting it on hard skin seems to vanish!
thanks for that im writing them all down i shall go to town tomorrow im in desperate need my feet are so dry
I find wearing slippes or shoes all the time slows down the ammount of hard skin I get on my heels.
yeah the nurse said to me always wear your slippers as much as you can , before i was diagnosed i would happily walk around in bare feet
I still walk round with no shoes on and sometimes even no socks cos my feet get to hot
well i been into town and got some e45 and ssc cream i could not decide so i just got them both lol , shall see if after a couple of days it has helped any

Flexitol is one of the best stuff. I suffer from this and always have done. I see a chiropodist now who is a friend and although Flexitol is expensive, she even says it is one of the best as it contains something (can't remember off the top of my head). It you put it on morning and night, then socks it's lovely.

She also said to me one week 'you've stopped eating bananas haven't you', I had, she was right. It was because my feet were very dry (as well as the hard skin of course) so I started eating bananas again.
He he he. My doctor told me to STOP eating bananas - i was getting very tired and i was eating about 6 bananas a day - he said the 'potassium' in them can make you sluggish and tired!:)Bev
I still walk round with no shoes on and sometimes even no socks cos my feet get to hot

I'm dreadful when it comes to looking after my feet, I walk around barefoot almost as much as I can get away with, and if I'm not barefoot I'm usually in inappropriate footwear...! Was feeling very bad about it but my GP did a foot check last week and said 'you've got a really good set of feet on you there!' Wasn't sure if I'm meant to take that as a compliment or not!!! Do feel I'm pushing my luck a bit though and should probably start paying more attention to them!
well nurse said to me i must always dry in between my toes , im guessing thats to stop chapped feet?