Feet / ulcers

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All
I wonder if you could help me please? I have a couple of corns on my toes (recurrent problem, according to my podiatrist they are usually at the stage they are starting to break down and become ulcerated underneath). i have my NHS diabetic foot check shortly - does anyone know if they will treat the corns or if they will just advise to go to the podiatrist please? I'm struggling to justify the expense of my private podiatrist following my other half having no income after a heart attack, so am praying they will treat. Thank you in advance for your advice. xx
If the corns are a risk to your foot health, then as a diabetic, the clinic should treat them. Is your diabetic foot check with the practice nurse or the podiatry department? If it is with the nurse then she should be able to refer you to the podiatry dept. to get them treated but some podiatry clinics have still not reopened even for high risk patients. My practice nurse is quite keen to refer people to the podiatry services here although my personal preference is to treat my own feet (I get seed corns and very dry cracked skin) even if the nurse is not in favour of it because I was "lame" for several days after a visit to the hospital podiatrist. If your feet are beyond self treatment, then you need to ask the nurse for a referral.

The other thing that you can do is to manage your BG levels as well as possible through diet, exercise and medication if necessary and keep your feet active to stimulate blood flow, even is your mobility is limited, doing exercised like wriggling your toes and flexing your ankles for a few minutes several times a day, will all help, but walking is ideal if you are able.

Those are just my thoughts. Good luck. Avoiding ulcers should certainly be a priority for you and the NHS, so hopefully it can be achieved.
Thank you for your reply. Its the podiatry department - i dont see our practice nurse for any appointments anymore..... i do walk a lot as have a couple of high energy dogs,but due to spinal surgery my ankle / foot / leg / toes dont quite do what they are meant to in terms of lining up, so i get the corns regularly - and if i can't get to the private podiatrist quickly enough they do start to turn.... Fingers crossed i can get them sorted today, if not it'll be a private appointment and no dinner :D Thank you again for your help
Good luck! Do be pushy (in the nicest possible way) and ask for treatment if they don't offer to deal with the corns and make a fuss of the problems/pain they cause you.... don't be frightened to lay it on thick if need be. I know you shouldn't need to, but sometimes you have to be prepared to fight your own corner with diabetes care.
Please let us know how you get on. Fingers crossed.
Sadly we have a regular member here who is at high risk of amputation and can only get telephone podiatry appointments (worse than useless as they are a waste of everyone's time) and has had to pay privately for podiatry throughout the pandemic. I hope you are more fortunate than her with your NHS care.
I had a corn on my toe which broke down and I ended up losing it. Your foot clinic should treat your corn and monitor you weekly for signs of deterioration. Also you should not be paying for private podiatry. Ask your GP to refer you to the hospital podiatry service. As a diabetic you are ENTITLED to free foot care, this is due to the damage diabetes can cause.

good luck
Hope your appointment goes well, and you get the treatment you need @Emmaathome
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