feet thumbs tingling

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Right I've read most if not all of the threads about neuropathy and am wondering whats going down with my feet thumbs?

This weekend and last I've had numb/tingly/pins & needle-esq big toes, taking over a day to go :( I have been climbing up ladders and trees most of the time cutting branches etc (and looking for Jane!😉) these last two weekends, so guess it could be sod all to do with this fun condition. My levels have been okayish last few weeks generally under 7 before food the odd 8,9...my last hb-do-dar was 6.0. so find it difficult to understand if this is diabetes related or not? If anyone has any thoughts I'd be grateful.


Right I've read most if not all of the threads about neuropathy and am wondering whats going down with my feet thumbs?

This weekend and last I've had numb/tingly/pins & needle-esq big toes, taking over a day to go :( I have been climbing up ladders and trees most of the time cutting branches etc (and looking for Jane!😉) these last two weekends, so guess it could be sod all to do with this fun condition. My levels have been okayish last few weeks generally under 7 before food the odd 8,9...my last hb-do-dar was 6.0. so find it difficult to understand if this is diabetes related or not? If anyone has any thoughts I'd be grateful.



could be just the cold rossi and being more ...'on ya feet' ...massage them to get circulation going, DONT warm them in the fire and get your pulses checked next time you see the nursy
could be just the cold rossi and being more ...'on ya feet' ...massage them to get circulation going, DONT warm them in the fire and get your pulses checked next time you see the nursy

Would I put my feet straight in the fire🙄😛 I promise I won't today!
I wreckon you're right just concerned it takes an age for them to go back to "norm" and they don't feel that cold! Hey ho!

It is probably just cold. SOmetimes when it is very cold (like now) I have to wear a pair of gloves indoors, usually the fingeless type unless I'm at home washing up!

If you think it is something else, do see the doctor or nurse to get it looked at.
Were you wearing new footwear? I get tingly feet a lot from certain boots, I find it lasts while they are new & a bit tight but as they wear in it stops happening.
If the ladder rungs have been applying pressure on the soles of your feet behind the big toes this may have affected circulation particularly in the cold. You need firm soles to spread the weight in that situation. As diabetics any sensation in one's feet causes your heart to miss a beat (figuratively speaking).
Footwear was defineately not new! an old pair of old comfy trainers, probably not providing enough support. They're still slightly numb now! I guess resting on the ladder rungs, and wedging my feet where they fit and don't slip whilst cutting away at the trees can't be too good, still thats that job done for the time being, if I'm at it again, I'll wear some stout footwear and be a bit more sensible.

Cheers all.

Take care

I get this from time to time, usually at night - sometimes get sharp stabbing pains too, especially in my big toes. Last year I got chilblains for the first time in my life and was extremely worried, but have only had them on one toe this winter. Could be something like that - are they discoloured at all, and/or is the skin cracked at all? If they look OK, it's probably nothing to worry about. When is your next foot check due?
are your big toes the same as feet thumbs?

My next appointment was last month supposed to be tomorrow but cannot make it so March will have to do!

There is no discolouration, nor is there any cracking, wifey suggested chilblains I've no idea, just know there not cold or pain full just that numb sensation, yes still. I'll leave the ladders alone for a week and see!

Time is the biggest healer!!

Thanks all for your words of wisdom.

are your big toes the same as feet thumbs?

My next appointment was last month supposed to be tomorrow but cannot make it so March will have to do!

There is no discolouration, nor is there any cracking, wifey suggested chilblains I've no idea, just know there not cold or pain full just that numb sensation, yes still. I'll leave the ladders alone for a week and see!

Time is the biggest healer!!

Thanks all for your words of wisdom.


I reckon it's probably pressure on your feet and perhaps vibration from sawing, on your thumbs (or holding on tight to Jane?). I've had numbness at the sides of toes due to shoe pressure, and like Northe, have had inexplicable shooting pains in feet occassionally, but all was well on last foot check :confused:
Cheers Runner, still tingle today but not as bad on the right foot, I'm trying to sit with feet flat and not putting pressure anyway, hmm may look into a jetpack, that would work!

Cheers again all.

Rossi 🙂
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